21 Of The Best Super Minimal WordPress Themes For Personal Blogging


Minimalism has affected many artists for years and since the birth of world wide web it’s been also quite popular among web designers.In web design,minimalism is to bring the content to the forefront in order to enhance usability for a clean browsing experience.

We continue to collect and share handpicked and best wordpress themes and in today’s post we bring together super minimal wordpress themes for personal blogging.Today,almost every theme has great functionalities but many people who only want to write a add a few images to their blog prefer these kind of minimal wordpress themes.Minimal themes do not contain too much graphics and focuses to written content only.

Here is the collection of 21 minimal wordpress themes for your personal blogging life.


best minimal wordpress themesNotably is a mobile first, fully responsive, all around awesome WordPress theme for bloggers of all shapes and sizes. It’s straightforward, beautifully styled and you can make the theme your own by simply using the WordPress Theme Customizer. That’s right, no complicated Theme Options to wade through here.



best minimal wordpress themes_rite is a minimal responsive blog theme at its finest, you write and allow your vistors to read without distractions.



best minimal wordpress themesTree is a minimal WordPress theme designed for primarily for blogs. The themes aims at making posting easy and informational to the end user while displaying a clean interface. It isn’t only for blogs though, Tree is loaded with features and options so that you can customize it how you want.



best minimal wordpress themesiWrite is the perfect minimal theme for blogging in style. Packed with essential features such as different post formats, useful shortcodes, widgets and a great design, this theme is for those who just want to write.



best minimal wordpress themesDiario is fully responsive minimal style wordpress theme for personal blogging.


Bracers Personal

best minimal wordpress themesBracers Personal is wordpress theme designed for blogger, traveler blogger, hobbies blogger and many more. Built with foundation 4, it’s also responsive to mobile and tablet. Bracers personal is easy to customized, we add theme options to manage the website look.


Read WP

best minimal wordpress themesRead is a responsive html5 wordpress theme focused on readability with a minimalist design.



best minimal wordpress themesFixed is a super simple, photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your images, videos, articles, quotes, notes and more. Use it as a personal blog or a minimal portfolio to show off your latest works.



best minimal wordpress themesQuarter is a fully minimalistic design and responsive WordPress theme, suited for blogging.Quarter developed on the Zurb Foundation framework for responsive development so it look beautiful at any screen size.



best minimal wordpress themesMemo is a super-awesome tumblog style WordPress theme with a clean, minimal design. If you’re looking to get started with microblogging then Memo will be right up your street.



best minimal wordpress themesDuplex is a clean personal blog theme, perfect for sharing your world. Duplex is all about posting what currently matters to you. Whether it’s graphics, videos, music, or photography, you can always find a space for it with Duplex.



best minimal wordpress themesPocket is a super simple, photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your images, videos, articles, quotes and more. Use it as a personal blog or a minimal portfolio to show off your latest works.



best minimal wordpress themesPhrase is a Responsive WordPress Blog Theme, best suited for Magazines and Personal Blogs.It comes with 5 custom widgets, 10 post formats and tons of theme options.



best minimal wordpress themesLolly is a little bit of sweetness and colour, just for you. With unique colouring system you choose 4 colours for the homepage and we colour your posts in order for a stand out rainbow of goodness.



best minimal wordpress themesA gorgeous stylish curriculum, blog wordpress theme with powerful custom post type.



best minimal wordpress themesMobileFirst is a super simple and modern WordPress theme for bloggers with an eye to the style, and the other to the future. Perfect for a personal blog or a simple portfolio.



best minimal wordpress themesBlank is an Elegant, minimalistic WordPress theme with Ultra-clean design and strongly focusing on content. It’s a good choice for blogging with all standards: Responsive, Retina-ready, Translation ready, Simple, Clean and Effective



best minimal wordpress themesPilcrow is a responsive and robust WordPress blog theme, powered by AJAX to provide smooth transitions for your readings.



best minimal wordpress themesTextural is a minimalist WordPress theme for bloggers, artists or anyone else looking for a theme that lets their content shine.



best minimal wordpress themestdLight is another minimalist wordpress theme for personal bloggers.You can easily customize this theme for your needs.



best minimal wordpress themesConzert is a super-duper minimalist, clean and color customizable WordPress theme that is ideal for blogs. Quick to setup and easy to customize, it comes also with a supporting post formats and several custom page templates to spice up your website.

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