Weekly Fresh Resources for Designers and Developers [May 27th,2013]


We follow many designers and developers and of course websites that share or release resources to help design community.We write down them all every day and at the beginning of each week we bring them together and share with you.Most of the tools,jQuery plugins,free fonts,free icons and free PSD files etc. are mostly latest releases or the ones you might not have seen yet.We hope you find them useful for your existing or upcoming design projects.

Note:If you think you have something useful for design community feel free to contact us;maybe we can share with our readers next week.

– You can also take a look at our past weekly fresh resources.


Small Color Picker

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersSmall Color Picker is a tiny jQuery plugin to pick colors and button styles.The plugin does not support non-CSS 3 browsers.



weekly fresh resources for designers and developersFilterable is a Bootstrap and X-editable themed jQuery plugin which preforms per-column filtering for an HTML table.


Countdown Cube

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersCountdowncube is a countdowntimer designed with 3D cubes.


jQuery Sheetrock

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersSheetrock is a jQuery plugin for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Spreadsheets.You need the URL of Google Spreadsheet.



weekly fresh resources for designers and developersPlotly is an application to create graphs better than Excel, MATLAB, or Google Docs.


iio Engine

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersThe iio Engine (pronounced ‘ee-oh’) is an extensive application framework that helps with the creation and deployment of HTML5 applications. The framework provides a feature rich SDK, an advanced debugging system, and a cross-platform deployment engine.



weekly fresh resources for designers and developersLeast.js is a responsive HTML5 and CSS3 gallery using lazyload.


Pure CSS3 Breadcrumb Navigation

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersThis tutorial also uses CSS Counters to number the breadcrumb links. The first breadcrumb displays the use of gradients for the links whereas the second demo uses flat colors along with transitioned hover effects for the navigation.


Vertical Accordion Menu Using jQuery and CSS3

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersA sleek vertical accordion menu for your next website/app.


CSS3 Image Slider With Stylized Thumbnails

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersLearn to make a fade-in-out image slider with thumbnails which have active styles. The slider does not have any page jump when you click on the thumbnails.


MNSTRLine MNSTRShadow – free font

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Rispa Regular – free font

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Verb Cond Extra Light – free version

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Espuma Pro Regular – free version

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Volantene Script – free font

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Forecast Font

weekly fresh resources for designers and developersA web-font for creating multi-layered weather icons


Flat UI Kit – free PSD

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers


Free Abstract Backgrounds

weekly fresh resources for designers and developers