14 Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience


If you’re a serious blogger, you know that staying in touch and being responsive to your audience are keys to lasting success. You need to constantly churn out quality content, remain responsive to comments and questions, and continuously promote your posts and generate traffic for your blog. But everyone’s on the go today. Fortunately, there are a number of apps to help bloggers stay engaged with their audiences on the fly.

Instagram: Not Just for Photo Bloggers

Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Everyone’s buzzing about Instagram. Even if you’re not a photo blogger, you’ll love Instagram’s built-in editing capabilities that allow you to take any ordinary photo and make it look interesting. Every serious blogger understands the value of a great image. Even bloggers using no cell phones can make creative images with Instagram.


WordPress App Lets You Blog on the Go

2.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Having the WordPress app installed on your smartphone will enable you to generate posts on the train, bus, plane or even the beach. You’ve got an audience to satisfy, but you can’t always be pinned to your desk. Not to mention, sometimes the best inspiration comes when you’re out and about.
WordPress App


Twitter is an Idea-Generating Machine

3.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Many bloggers have long ago embraced the connectivity and idea-generating capabilities of Twitter. Whether you’re Tweeting your whereabouts, responding to comments on your latest blog post or simply browsing the Twitter-sphere for the glorious content other users are sharing, your Twitter app will serve you well.


Facebook Apps Keep You Connected

4.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
A good Facebook app enables bloggers to publish their latest posts for their friends and connections to see. If you regularly promote your posts on Facebook, you’ll want to be able to continuously monitor your notifications on the go—otherwise, you could be missing some juicy comments or questions, leaving your audience hanging.
Facebook App


HootSuite: An All-in-One Social Platform

5.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
HootSuite is a social platform which allows users to post to a number of social networks within a single dashboard. So if you’re an avid Twitter user as well as an avid Facebook user, you can share your latest blog posts with all your social connections at the same time.


Google Analytics: Monitor Your Traffic Stats

6.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Some bloggers do it for the thrill. Others do it to make a buck. Whatever your driving motivation behind blogging, a Google Analytics app will help you gauge the effectiveness of your latest post with stats on where your traffic is coming from and how long readers are sticking around to read your posts.
Google Analytics


Writer App for Android: Write Anywhere

7.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience

The Writer App for Android is a useful tool for bloggers to start writing a post anytime inspiration strikes. Stuck in the middle of the desert with no pen, no paper and nothing but your smartphone? Die-hard bloggers can satisfy their creative urges and produce their next great post even without an Internet connection. When you’re ready to make it live, simply copy and paste your article.
Writer App


Pocket: Source Ideas for Future Inspiration

8.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Pocket simplifies the task of curating, aggregating and even research—tasks every blogger undertakes on a regular basis. Pocket is a bookmarking application that you can sync to multiple devices. When you’ve come across a really interesting piece before heading out the door to the office, simply bookmark it and read it on the train via your device.


CoverItLive Simplifies Blogging Live Events

9.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
If you ever blog about live events, you know how challenging this can be. You’re trying to take notes, take great photos and maybe even secure some solid quotes. As a one-person machine, this can prove complex. Thanks to CoverItLive, bloggers can publish live photos and even videos straight from their smartphones.


Blogsy Makes Cross-Site Updating Easy

10.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Prolific bloggers often contribute to multiple platforms. When you’re trying to manage multiple websites from your smartphone, things can get a little hairy. But the Blogsy app simplifies the process of updating several sites at the same time.


Evernote Satisfies Need for Constant Note-Taking

11.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Some bloggers are the type who need to constantly have a pen and notepad on hand for jotting down all those random, yet incredibly useful, tidbits of inspiration that come to mind throughout the day. Inspiration strikes bloggers in the strangest of places, and it’s often these out-of-nowhere trains of thought that lead to some of the most intriguing blog posts. Evernote has these bloggers covered with a smartphone app designed to mimic the desktop application’s never-ending note functionality.


MindMeister Maps Out Your Mind

12.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Bloggers have creative minds and the ability to put thoughts and ideas together in a compelling way. They’re faced with the ongoing task of churning out valuable, useful and entertaining content to keep their audiences engaged. MindMeister is an app that can help you organize all those great ideas and format outlines for articles through mind mapping.


Teed Makes Time Management Easy

13.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Bloggers are often working on multiple projects at the same time. Whether you’re balancing a daily post with a total redesign of your blog site, your projects for other clients or even your dog’s next grooming appointment, Teed is a productivity app to help you prioritize your tasks and stay on top of your busy blogging lifestyle.


Pinterest Takes Photo-Sharing to the Next Level

14.Apps Every Blogger Needs to Stay Connected to Their Audience
Now that you’ve created all those irresistible images with Instagram, you can use them in your blog posts and then share them on Pinterest—yet another avenue for connecting with members of your audience. Pinterest has been growing as a useful platform for content marketing. The more your creative images or logos are re-pinned, the more exposure your content gets.

There are dozens—if not hundreds—of useful apps to help bloggers stay connected to their audiences and keep their audiences engaged no matter how much time you actually spend sitting in front of your desktop. These valuable applications can help you manage everything from idea generation to final publishing.