Building User Friendly Websites With IM Creator


IMCreator is the best answer for businesses, professionals and individuals who need an attractive looking website in minutes rather than the days or weeks that a web design studio would take.

IM Creator is a web app that allows each user to create their very own website, with the click of a mouse or tap of the tablet or smartphone screen. Taking each visitor through an easy step by step process, non-designers everywhere can put together a slick, professional looking web presence that will impress their boss, prospective clients and existing business partners alike.


It all starts with the selection of a website template. All available template designs are grouped into convenient categories for ease of selection.

A sample of these categories include:

Model / Actor

With each category, there are always a small handful of different web site template designs to choose between. The choices are quite varied from minimalistic to busy designs packed with detail. New templates are added to the collection by the app developers every month.


Hovering over a template, options appear below to edit the template for personal use or preview the template design in a new window. This is where the fun really begins.

After adding a new user account to help keep track of the selected templates, you can begin tweaking and modifying a template to your heart’s content. Every template can be customized by changing the menu structure for the web site and adding or removing individual pages to construct a site suited to your individual requirements.

Written content, photographs & videos can all be copied and pasted right into the existing template and moved around until satisfied with the appearance and the impact of the design. It really could not be any easier to create a new template-based website.


There are scores of live site examples, made with the template tools provided, available to see at These are updated monthly to showcase the best new sites using the templates from gallery.

IM Creator uses the powerful, distributed cloud computing platforms from Amazon & Google to ensure the hosted solution is both dynamic and robust. Email accounts are also available to provide that finishing touch for the total business communication package.