18 New jQuery Plugins You Should See


jQuery is a fast Javascript library that is used widely in web development and it gives great functionality and dynamism to websites.jQuery works like Javascript where it is used to help with the effects of your codes.We can say,with jquery you can do more with less code.

We regularly look for fresh resources for designers and developers.In today’s post we have collected new jquery plugins.Probably you haven’t seen all of these jquery plugins mostly created in the last two months.Keep in mind that all the below jquery plugins are well documented so they are easy to use and implement in your projects.

In this list,you can find image gallery plugins,plugins for social media,toggle jquery plugins and also scroller plugins.

You may also take a look at our past jQuery plugin collections;


3D Image Gallery Room

new jquery pluginsAn experimental image gallery with a realistic touch: the images are displayed in a 3D room with walls.
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Photobox – CSS3 JQuery Image Gallery

new jquery pluginsA lightweight image gallery modal window script which uses only CSS3 for silky-smooth animations and transitions.
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iPhone Style Dragging

new jquery pluginsSource | Demo



new jquery pluginsMaskew is mobile friendly a JS library for skewing the shapes of elements.
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new jquery pluginsA jQuery plugin for social share(46 icons) with blur background.
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App Folders

new jquery pluginsUse jQuery to create iOS-like App Folders on any website. They can contain any content and be styled in any way
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new jquery pluginsToggles is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates easily-styleable toggle buttons.
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new jquery pluginsShapeshift is a plugin which will dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a grid in their parent container.
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new jquery pluginsWith jHERE, you can easily add interactive maps to your website. In only 4KB (1.95KB Gzipped), you get a powerful map API, highly customizable markers, event handling and info bubbles.
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new jquery pluginsSocialCount is a small jQuery plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets.Currently supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
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Responsive Img

new jquery pluginsResponsive Img is a jQuery plugin that changes an image’s src attribute based on its container’s width.
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Any List Scroller

new jquery pluginsAny List Scroller is the jQuery plugin by musings.it to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content.
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new jquery pluginsmlens is a jQuery plugin is useful for magnifying the images like magnifying glass.
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Instagram jQuery Plugin

new jquery pluginsA simple jQuery plugin to show a list of Instagram photos.
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Image Picker

new jquery pluginsImage Picker is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface.
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new jquery pluginsVague.js is an experimental script that allows you to blur any kind of html element thanks to the SVG filters.
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new jquery pluginsThis plug-in can easily convert any colored image (in an html page) into a B&W greyscale image.
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The Blog-Face 1.0

new jquery pluginsJquery Plugin that creates your blog home page with a brick-wall look.
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  1. Ronit