7 Must-See London 2012 Olympics Infographics


Information graphics or widely known as infographics have become one of the most effective tool for online communication and representation of any data for any subject.Rather than any other text and graphical instruments,infographics combine both of them and present the information.

We sometimes publish interesting infographics and today here is another great infographic post.It’s about London 2012 Olympics.We have selected most interesting infographics about London 2012 Olympics for you.

You may also take a look at our past infographics;

Every Ball Of The 2012 Summer Games

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The Business Behind the Olympic Games

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Delivering the Goods: An Inside Look at the Olympic Medal

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How Media and Marketing Drive the Olympic Games

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What Makes An Olympic Body?

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Meddling With The Gold

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London – Three Times An Olympic City

london olympics infographicView Original Size | Source


    • Arshad Cini