Friday Urban Typography Inspiration – London


Urban typography showcase is one of our weekly posts.Every Friday we are featuring inspirational typography examples from a city.If you are a real typography lover , you always notice typography examples like  shop signage,road signs etc. in your city and if you want your photo to be published here just send it.This week’s typography showcase comes from London.Enjoy!!!

Tower of London

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Victoria Station

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Hackney Road

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Hoxton Hall

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Wagamam-14 Irving Street

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The Scoop, CIty Hall

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Bold Statement-Well Lane

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A&B Hair’n Beauty, Dalston Lane

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Pound Save, Neasden Lane

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Astoria Sign

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Savoy Theatre

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Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

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Piccadilly Circus London October 1957

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Neon typography

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Telephone Box

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Baron of Piccadilly

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Design Museum

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Victoria & Albert Museum

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Elbor Street

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Patrick Caulfield-Highgate Cemetery

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Kings Road

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Beauty is Truth-South End Green, Hampstead

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The Beehive, Crawley, West Sussex

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No cycling on the pavement

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Lost the Edge-Commercial Street

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Scotch Ale

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Falling Down, Bethnal Green

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Griller-East London

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Royal Horticultural Hall

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Covent Garden

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