How to Use Apps to Assist with Mental Health Therapy


Mental health is the absence of a mental disorder. It is prerequisite to living a quality and happy life. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people suffering from various mental conditions. In fact, more than 50 million people in the United States (US) are suffering from at least one condition affecting their quality of life. Various established therapies can be used to assist people with such conditions. Technology has gone a notch higher to include various apps that can assist with mental health therapy. Click here to get more information about such apps. Here are some of those apps and how to use them.

What’s Up
What’s Up utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to assist you to deal with stress and depression. It also uses Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) that helps one break bad habits and enhance the good ones. The app helps you strengthen your positive moods and suppresses negative moods.

Addiction Apps
People with various addictions are prone to suffer from various mental health conditions. Alcohol and drug-related addictions are the most common that affect the well being of victims’ mental health. This app assists such people to try and get over their addictions and directs them to focus on sobriety.

Quit That
Quit That is another good app that helps addicts quit degenerative behaviors. A lot of people are struggling to stop smoking and drinking alcohol as well as stop taking other drugs. Since most individuals are ashamed or afraid to get counseling from established institutions, they can use this app privately to help them quit the mentioned addictions. The app helps you monitor your progress and has some motivating features.

Mind Shift
Mind Shift is a very nice app especially for teenagers and youths to help reduce anxiety and tension. Teens and youths tend to turn to alcohol and other drugs to fend off their anxious feelings. Some even end up in criminal activities in a bid to feel good about themselves. The app helps in changing the thought process of these individuals by encouraging them to take more responsibility for their actions. It is a kind of a motivating element.

This is another app that helps youth deal with anxiety and stress but in a different way. It connects individuals with a supportive community of people suffering from similar challenges. The app helps victims to break off from their negative and unhelpful thoughts, behaviors and feelings using techniques such as mood tracking, meditation, and relaxation.

People suffering from mental health conditions need people to talk to. Most of them, though lack the courage to approach other people for help. Talkspace is a counseling app with a database of more than 1000 licensed therapists. These therapists specialize in various conditions including PTSD, depression, anxiety and other mental conditions. Individuals wishing to speak to the therapists can simply join confidential chat rooms where they can freely speak to these specialists. You are not required to reveal your identity. This makes it easy for people afraid of facing their condition to get assistance.