Game Design – Pitting Style against Substance

Game Design – Pitting Style against Substance

Visuals are a word that gets thrown around a lot in gaming circles. A growing number of game manufacturers highlight the importance of the graphics, or rather what a player absorbs purely visually when enjoying their hobby. At the expense of attractive looks, more often than not, the interior, the very code of the game, may suffer.

Beauty Is (Not) Only Skin Deep
Science has multiple times shown that a majority of human beings benefit from their vision more in comparison with the other senses.

Our preferred means of perception, which is usually genetically predetermined, and not chosen, is directly linked to what intrinsically matters to our minds most. Consequently, that affects the way we express ourselves and how we exhibit our personality to the outside world.
Around 65% of the global population declares as a visual learner. This innate skill is typically discovered in early childhood and later developed throughout one’s educational period. Whilst the utility can be more than in one’s professional life, its key significance lies in its impacts on a person’s private life.

What we mean by this is the expertise we acquire through our day-to-day activities, particular and seemingly trivial tasks. This unnoticed knowledge translates directly into our interpersonal skills as well as our pastime exercises of all sorts, including hobbies such as gaming.

Scratching the Surface
To run in line with the demands of the millennial-driven market, armies of manufacturers collapse under pressure and ostensibly ignore the value of the mechanics in contrast to creating an eye candy for younger demographics. Visual aids are exactly that – a beneficial tool that should help one out to get engrossed in the core of the game, which is its engineering.

As developers rapidly progress towards appealing releases, the innovation behind their technology endures a substantial loss. And ironically, plenty of online punters do not heed; they brush it off on account of a beautiful landscape. A logical conclusion is that the overstatement, “What really matters is invisible to the eyes” is purely subjective.

Nevertheless, there are luckily still trailblazers of iGaming that cater for both immersive gameplay and stunning imagery. We are talking about slot game developers who, in their online slot machines, which can be found on quality websites such as, always make sure to bring a perfect blend of both style and substance to the ever-demanding online casino industry. At the end of the day, what matters is that diverse profiles of players are satisfied.

Revolution in Recognition
On the other hand, we cannot neglect the role of visualia in our everyday lives. Just imagine enjoying a movie with a blindfold over your eyes. Could you do that?

Surely, you will be able to hear the action and consume the sound effects, but how about what you take in via sight? We process a mass of sensory information daily, and using our senses is at times out of our control. Let us take the McGurk Effect as the textbook example of this phenomenon. It proves that we turn to our vision rather than hearing, even though we are consciously instructed to focus on listening to a sound.

According to other studies, however, a small, yet oddly rising number of learners maintain that they are more capable of remembering input if they read about. These reports suggest that penmanship and logography can be more powerful than we have ever imagined. So that is one more thought to be taken into consideration by gaming craftsmen.

All in all, the traditional understanding of how we observe the world around us and how we learn from it is certainly and evidently altering right before our eyes. Humans are evolving as you read this, and perhaps in a few seconds you will see yourself change as a learner. You have been exposed to a string of words in the past few minutes that it took you to take in this article. Do you feel informed or should we provide some pictures post factum?

So, “should you judge a book by its cover?” is the question.