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Category: CSS

CSS Resources for Beginners: A Detailed Guide

When starting your CSS journey, having the right resources can make learning more efficient and enjoyable. Here’s a comprehensive list of beginner-friendly tools, courses, and references to help you build a solid foundation. Free Interactive …

Fractures – Baseline Atomic CSS Toolkit

Fractures is a baseline atomic CSS toolkit that helps you bootstrap design-systems and prototypes by providing a set of non-blocking, atomic, utility classes.It’s been developed by Krisztian Puska – a developer and designer from Hungary.The …

Shoelace.css – Basics CSS Starter Kit

Shoelace.css is a starter kit, not a framework. Think of it as a CSS reset sprinkled with helpful components. Bootstrap users will find it familiar, yet refreshing. Shoelace is highly customizable through CSS variables. It …

Item Reveal Animations with SVG

This is an experiment where grid items get revealed and unrevealed with animated, morphing SVG paths using anime.js. It’s been developed by Codrops. These effects can look quite interesting on image grids, covering and uncovering …
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