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Category: FREEBIES

vintage textures

30 High Quality Free Vintage Textures

Textures are great design components for both web and graphic design.A right texture use can totally change the overall look of your designs and make them extremely realistic.Some designs need to have a texture added …
vector skull

A Collection Of Free Vector Skulls

Vector graphics are scalable images(no loss of quality when resized) created in applications like Adobe Illustrator,Coreldraw or similar vector graphic programs.Vectors graphics can be used in any kind of graphic design but especially in illustrations,print …
crumpled paper texture

A Collection Of Free Crumpled Paper Textures

Textures play a vital role in web and graphic design.They help you to speed your workflow and a great option to make your designs more realistic,appealing and change the total appearance. Here on Designbeep,we regularly …
iphone icons

Iphone Icons by Iconshock

For its versatility to be used for different purposes, icons are the most used designs elements. And web designers are always looking for designs that constitute a good deal. That is why Iconshock, the largest …
billboard vector

A Collection Of Free Vector Billboards

Images are important part of both web and graphic design.An image is the first element that attracts visitors and delivers the main message directly and effectively.Whether you use images as a website background or for …

28 Most Popular Free Fonts of 2012

We continue to showcase best of 2012 series in design industry and it’s time for the most popular free fonts of 2012.Like every year,many free beautiful fonts have been released by really talented designers and …
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