150 Free Photoshop Blood Brushes To Use In Your Artworks


Blood brushes for Photoshop are a fantastic way to add intensity, drama, and raw emotion to your digital art. Whether you’re designing horror-themed artwork, creating a gritty visual for a video game, or simply want to experiment with splatters and stains, these brushes can help you achieve realistic, eerie effects with ease.

Blood brushes are custom Photoshop brushes designed to mimic the look of blood splatters, drips, stains, and smears. They come in various forms—ranging from small, splattered droplets to large, messy streaks. Using these brushes, artists can quickly apply these effects to their work without having to manually create the intricate textures.

Blood Marks Brushes

( 20 Brushes )

Pack contains 20 HQ brushes (resolution about 2500px) brushes compatible with PS 7 and up.


Blood Photoshop Brushes

( 100 Brushes )

If you’re looking for a blood brush for Photoshop, then the above collection is just for you.


Free Blood Photoshop Brushes

15 Free blood photoshop brushes, 2500 pixels size.


Blood Splatter PS Brushes Abr

( 20 Brushes )

20 Blood Splatter PS Brushes abr High Res 2500px


Blood Brushes

A Creepy set of blood brushes.


Bloody Splats Brushes

( 12 Brushes )

(1200-2000px) brushes finished in Photoshop 7 (it’s compatible with it and higher versions of PS.


Blood Splatters

Some blood splatters,drops, bloody handprints and bloody footprint.


Blood Brush Set

Blood spatters and droplets brush set.


Blood Splatter

A Set Of Free Blood brushes for Photoshop



Blood brushes are a powerful tool for digital artists who want to create blood effects quickly and effectively. Whether you’re working on horror artwork, graphic novels, or anything in between, these brushes can add a visceral, dynamic edge to your projects.

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