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A Business App Checklist: What You Might Be Missing

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As many people in business will tell you, having a dedicated app for your brand is a potentially lucrative idea. However, it is not just enough to do it at all, you have to make sure that you are doing it right. 

So, before you plan your grand app launch, it is worth going over everything that it needs to make sure that it doesn’t stumble out of the gate and leave a bad first impression. There is always room for improvement, and updates are inevitably going to be necessary, but there is room to enter the scene and gain the advantages that positive app store reviews can bring.

Bugs, Fixes, and Functionality

Conceptually, you might feel as though nothing is wrong with your app. You might have gone over everything that you could think of and concluded that you have created a platform that best distillates what your business has to offer. This might be true, but if the technical state of the platform is not up to the standards that your audience expects, they might not be able to use it long enough to find out. Once again, certain issues will occur and need fixing after the fact, often with the help of your customers through bug reports, but you don’t want this to be a fact that completely dominates the conversation – especially when it comes to security.

It needs to work, and part of that might be about making it easier for your development team to work on these improvements through the integration of Kubernetes Ingress, meaning planning ahead of time.

Effective Branding

The possibilities opened up by having your own app might make your development team eager to include animations and aesthetic qualities that were not possible otherwise. Practicing restraint is important, however. First of all, you do not want animations to randomly and chaotically overwhelm the page – you want each one to have a purpose, emphasizing some surrounding quality so that it has impact. Furthermore, you want all of these aesthetic choices to come together to form something cohesive that resembles the branding your audiences are familiar with. That might mean careful consideration of color and how you implement your logo throughout the page.

Does it Improve Your Business?

You can ask this question from two perspectives. First of all, from your perspective – is it something that will benefit you in the long run? Is it going to justify the development costs, and if so, how? The other side of this question is something that you need to consider from the point of view of your audiences. Why would your customers want to use this app? Is this going to change the way that they engage with your brand? 

You need to ask these questions early on in the conceptualization stage rather than when you are ready to launch, but with the pressure of delivering an app in the first place, it’s something that’s worth asking.

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