7 Signs That You Should Get Your Garage Door Spring Changed


Is your garage door acting up lately? Maybe it’s time to look closer at your garage door springs. These crucial components play a pivotal role in the smooth operation of your garage door, and when they start to show signs of wear or damage, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven key signs indicating it’s time to change your garage door spring. From unusual noises to visible wear and tear, recognizing these signs early can help prevent further damage and ensure the continued functionality of your garage door. Plus, we’ll discuss how to change garage door spring so you’ll know exactly what to do when it’s time for replacement. Keep reading to learn more!

Here Are The Signs To Get Your Garage Door Spring Changed

Difficulty opening or closing the door

One clear sign that it’s time to change your garage door spring is experiencing difficulty opening or closing the door. When the garage door springs are worn out or damaged, they may struggle to provide the necessary counterbalance, making it challenging to operate the door smoothly. 

You may notice that the door feels heavier than usual or requires more effort to lift or lower. Suppose you exert excessive force to open or close the garage door. In that case, it’s a strong indication that the springs are no longer functioning properly and should be replaced promptly to ensure your garage door’s continued functionality and safety.

Uneven movement of the door

One unmistakable sign that it’s time to get your garage door spring changed is experiencing the uneven movement of the door. When the garage door springs begin to wear out or fail, they may lose their ability to provide balanced support to the door. 

As a result, you may notice that one side of the door moves faster or slower than the other, causing the door to appear crooked or lopsided during operation. This uneven movement affects the aesthetic appeal of your garage door and indicates underlying issues with the spring system. 

Suppose you observe any irregularities in the movement of your garage door. In that case, it’s essential to address them promptly by replacing the springs to prevent further damage and ensure your garage door’s smooth and safe operation.

Loud banging or popping noises when operating the door

One significant sign that it’s time to change your garage door spring is hearing loud banging or popping noises when operating the door. These unusual sounds often indicate that the garage door springs are worn out or damaged, causing them to struggle to properly support the door’s weight. 

As a result, the springs may experience excessive tension or become misaligned, leading to loud and unsettling noises during door operation. Ignoring these sounds can further damage the springs or other components of the garage door system.

Visible wear or damage to the door springs

A clear indication that it’s time to change your garage door spring is the presence of visible wear or damage to the springs. Over time, garage door springs can deteriorate due to constant use, exposure to environmental factors, or lack of maintenance. Signs of wear or damage may include rust, corrosion, fraying, or deformation of the springs. 

Additionally, you may notice gaps or breaks in the coils of the springs, indicating structural weakness. Inspecting the springs regularly for any signs of wear or damage and addressing them promptly to prevent further deterioration and potential failure. 

Suppose you observe visible wear or damage to your garage door springs. In that case, it’s advisable to schedule a professional inspection and replacement to ensure your garage door’s continued functionality and safety.

Sudden jerky movements of the door

A noticeable sign that it’s time to consider getting your garage door spring changed is experiencing sudden jerky movements of the door. When the garage door springs start to wear out or become damaged, they may struggle to provide the necessary support and balance to the door. 

As a result, you may notice unexpected jolts or jerks in the movement of the door during operation. These sudden movements can not only be unsettling but also pose a safety risk to anyone nearby. Ignoring this sign can lead to further damage to the garage door system and increase the likelihood of a malfunction or breakdown.

The door fails to stay open or closed properly

An evident sign indicating the need for a garage door spring replacement is when the door fails to stay open or closed properly. This issue typically arises due to the loss of tension or balance in the garage door springs, making it difficult for them to effectively support the door’s weight. 

As a result, the door may struggle to remain fully open or closed, often drifting or closing unexpectedly. This compromises the garage door’s functionality and poses safety hazards, as the door may unexpectedly close and cause injury or damage. 

If you notice that your garage door fails to stay open or closed as it should, it’s crucial to have the springs inspected and replaced promptly to restore proper functionality and ensure the safety of your garage space.

The door appears crooked or off-center when in motion

One unmistakable sign that it’s time to change your garage door spring is when the door appears crooked or off-center when in motion. A properly functioning garage door should move smoothly along its tracks without tilting or misalignment. 

However, worn-out or damaged springs may fail to provide balanced support to the door, causing it to appear crooked or off-center during operation. This misalignment affects the aesthetic appeal of your garage door and indicates underlying issues with the spring system. Ignoring this sign can lead to further damage to the door and other components of the garage door system.


Author’s Bio

Joe is a dedicated content marketing specialist and a passionate writer who enjoys writing about creating beautiful and comfortable living spaces for everyone. She shares her ideas and techniques in a concise manner, drawing from her own experience, so that people can use them to make their surroundings more aesthetically pleasing. She might also help you with deciding garage door repair tacoma services.