Choosing the Right Apps for Your Webflow Site


Many people these days are looking for simple solutions when it comes to technology. As such, a lot of businesses and professionals, such as developers, now turn to Webflow, which is a no-code solution operated by Amazon. With these sites, you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle when it comes to the setup, and you can make the site practical and functional with the right apps from the Webflow Marketplace.

The good news is that there are lots of great apps to choose from in the Webflow Marketplace these days, which means that you can easily find the ideal ones for your needs and preferences. This includes a range of free apps, apps to aid the functionality of your Webflow site, and even apps that can help to boost security, such as the Vault Vision Passwordless Authentication that was recently announced.

In this article, we will run through some of the top apps in the Webflow Marketplace – but remember, there are many more, so make sure you do your research and determine your needs to find the right ones.

Some of the Tops Apps to Look At

There are many apps to choose from in the Webflow Marketplace. Before you start exploring, you should assess your needs to help determine which apps to choose. So, let’s have a look at a few of the top ones:

Vault Vision User Authentication

The recent addition of the Vault Vision User Authentication app to Webflow has generated excitement among those who want increased security and convenience. Rather than managing, creating, and juggling passwords, you can use the simplified passwordless authentication solution. This eliminates the need to deal with password management and reduces the risk of unauthorized access to apps, accounts, and files.

Chaty: WhatsApp and Chat Buttons

Businesses these days rely on messaging apps to communicate with customers, engage with them, and provide the best level of service possible. With Chaty, you can start conversations with customers on a variety of popular messaging apps and social channels. Your website visitors will find it easier to communicate with you, and this is sure to impress them.


If you want a solution that can help you with email and content marketing on your Webflow site, this is a great option. You can cut down the number of tools you currently use in order to conduct email and content marketing, as this useful app provides a wide range of features. It allows for collaboration in real-time on email and blog posts, makes publishing to email and Webflow easier, and will enable you to send out campaigns and newsletters that are designed to make an impact.


We all know how important customer reviews are in terms of affecting the decisions of others. With this app, you can more easily add and manage customer reviews that have been left on store websites. This is a great plug-in for Webflow that could help you to build trust with existing and new customers.

These are some of the many great apps you will find on the Webflow Marketplace.