Top Applications of Web 3.0 to Know About

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After Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, we are currently entering the era of Web 3.0. Web 1.0 was fed little information but gave amazing results in a given time. It wasn’t much individual user-centric as most governments and companies were the users. There was also an absence of an algorithm to sort things in a manner. Web 2.0 used technologies like HTML, Javascript, and CSS3 and made the internet more interactive. It catered to individuals as user-generated content and online social interaction became popular. 

However, Web 3.0 is the next big step, which can understand the inserted data like a human. For this, it uses AI, Blockchain technology Machine Learning, etc. It will help in the generation of more user-centric content. Web 3.0 can change our lives as there will be more advanced app interfaces and more customized browsing processes. 

Before we get into more details, you must know that it is required to have a stable internet connection to use Web 3.0 apps as they work in real time. For that, we suggest you opt for Mediacom for its amazing super-fast speed and stable connectivity. 

Once that is sorted, reverting to the topic, here are the top applications of Web 3.0 that can revolutionize the way we use the internet.

  • 1. Machine Learning

Machine learning has already gained quite a lot of popularity even among the masses. It uses Artificial Intelligence as a basis. Both these concepts are going to be highly used in Web 3.0 once they become normalized among users. One of the biggest examples of this is Siri. It analyzes natural human language into machine language and interacts as if it were a human. 

Siri is helpful to people in carrying out searches without even typing something into a computer. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data are also being used side by side with Machine learning. This is especially true when a big chunk of data has to be analyzed. The next era of online learning may take shape that is currently unknown to us all.  

  • 2. Decentralized Finance

Currently, in the world, there is a centralized banking and financial system, established in the world. Web 3.0 has claimed to provide a platform for people that will be equal for everyone and will cater to individual needs. This provides the basis for a decentralized financial system in the world. 

Decentralized Blockchain technology is being used for this. It will be helpful to provide financial services to the people without the traditional constraints of the centralized financial system. Cryptocurrency apps like Binance, Kraken, and are creating a decentralized financial system. 

Well, the main objective of crypto is to give users more control of their finances and investments. This is why, with the exception of El Salvador, digital currencies are not controlled by any government or central bank in the world.   

  • 3. Web3 Social Media

Web 3.0 is going to find a lot of applications in the world of social media as it is getting more advanced day by day. 

One of the examples is Streemit. It may give you a Reddit-type feel but it is actually a decentralized social blogging website. The monetization of user content on Streemit is one of its highlighting features that use Web 3.0. This means that on the basis of community votes, people can receive payment for their content uploaded on the platform. There are already 1.7 million registered accounts on Streemit. 

Another app called Sola aims to provide an equal social media experience to users without giving extra facilities to advertisers. Here, users can again go for monetization after sharing and creating content.

  • 4. Decentralized Applications

Again, decentralized Blockchain technology is being used for the creation of decentralized applications. These are open-source apps that can be augmented by users. To keep transparency and accuracy, the changes made will be kept as a record on the Blockchain distributed ledger. 

Sectors like social media, charitable organizations, middleware, etc. are already using such apps. Smart Contracts are already using these apps. Although their legal status is yet to be determined, decentralized apps have started to be used. These contracts are more flexible in nature and more adaptable than the traditional ones. The interaction between businesses and users can be carried out in a more trusted way.

  • 5. Gaming

Play-to-earn and play-to-own games based on Blockchain technology are going to be the next big thing in the world of gaming. These will allow the players to own, create a number of in-game assets, trade, and generate in-game income. Games like Decentraland and Axie Infinity have already gained popularity in the player community. 

Web3 games will again go through big changes as there are changes in the Web 3.0 ecosystem. There will also be more privacy and data management in the gaming world. This will further help players implement the play-to-earn and play-to-own structure of games. Also, some improved and advanced graphics can also be expected from Web3 games.


It may not be well established at the moment, but Web 3.0 is going to be the future, no doubt. With applications ranging from individual lives to collective lives, it has the potential to completely change the way we live now. Protection Status