Twitch Vs YouTube: Which is the Best for You?


Twitch vs YouTube has been a trending topic of discussion among creators, both established and upcoming ones. They have remained the most popular streaming platforms online with each of them having their own advantages and disadvantages. Now, you might be wondering, Twitch vs YouTube, which is the best? YouTube live streaming is becoming increasingly popular, what about Twitch?

Read on to find out! In this article, we will examine key differences and similarities between the two platforms.

Key Differences: Twitch Vs YouTube

There exist some factors to take note of when one wants to explore Twitch vs YouTube. The main difference between the two platforms is the type of content users relate to them with. Whereby people know Twitch for live streaming, they know YouTube for pre-recorded and edited videos.

Though both YouTube and Twitch share a lot of similar features, there still exist some differences which make them unique from one another. The major differences between these platforms are;


Twitch is mainly created for live streaming, therefore the feature for browsing on the platform is majorly for that. One is free to start browsing by games, streamers, and even content types. Contrarily, the browse feature of YouTube is created mainly for discovering particular YouTube videos and channels.

Then, an additional difference between both platforms is that creators on YouTube are allowed to customize video thumbnails, but Twitch streamers are not given that same opportunity. This difference is really beneficial to YouTube gaming streamers because great thumbnails will make one’s YouTube videos to be unique from that of others.

Also, Twitch will recommend popular streamers whenever you make use of their browsing feature and this is not good for smaller creators. Contrarily, YouTube’s algorithm will suggest creators have relevant videos for watching according to the user’s habit and this will give new channels greater opportunity to be seen in the search engine.

Content on Twitch vs YouTube

Twitch is less strict than YouTube in the aspect of content rules. The reason is that Twitch concentrates mainly on live streaming, and these live streams are more difficult to control than pre-recorded videos.

Nevertheless, some rules exist that streamers must abide by whenever they’re live streaming. These rules include no sexually suggestive content, violence, etc. Contradictorily, YouTube’s content rules are stricter. Sexually suggestive content is not allowed by them, even when it isn’t graphic.

Additionally, videos promoting and condoning violence are not allowed and hate speeches are also not allowed. Then, Twitch creators will get banned with no warnings, but YouTube will use a three-strike system.


This is another major difference between Twitch and YouTube. YouTube’s algorithm will give a new streamer the chance of being discovered by viewers, whereby Twitch’s algorithm will favor fewer streamers having lots of followers.

In addition, because of the fact that YouTube video content creation can be accessed all the time, one mustn’t stay there all the time or stream to be gaining more viewers or reach a wider audience. Contrarily, one’s Twitch channel will require one to be streaming frequently in addition to staying active in their communities to ensure growth.

Monetization Twitch vs YouTube

Twitch and YouTube have a lot of monetization opportunities for creators, which include advertisements and promotions. Still, if we’re talking about which platform pays creators the highest, YouTube remains at the top.

The reason is that YouTube makes use of the YouTube Partner Program and Google’s AdSense Contextual Advertising. The ad revenue share given to creators is 55%, but Twitch offers just inline ads for creators. Then, in addition to advertisements, YouTube provides Super Chat and Super Stickers for people to buy and be supporting their favorites.

Contrarily, Twitch provides a monthly subscription plan that is termed Twitch Prime. It lets viewers be supporting their favorites. Also, Twitch affords users the opportunity of giving streamers in-app donations.


Twitch affiliate exists and YouTube also has an affiliate program, and for you to join them, you’ve to meet up with some requirements. You must have a particular follower count, constant posting schedule, streaming schedule, and engagements.

In the Twitch Partner Program, streamers can be Affiliates or Partners so far as they’re able to meet up with the criteria. With Twitch, creators can easily monetize their channels, but YouTube just provides the Affiliates program.

Gaming Twitch vs YouTube

Many gamers prefer live streaming content on both YouTube and Twitch. However, making use of a particular one will make things easy. There are some differences between both platforms in the gaming aspect. Twitch broadcasting changed with time from just gaming to other forms of live stream, like talk shows and songs.

Still, gaming is Twitch’s main aspect. They have specially made tools designed for gamers to ensure that a live stream goes perfectly well. In addition, they have a bubbling community that likes chatting and watching their favorites when playing.

Then, if you are someone who has a greater love for gaming content rather than going to socialize, YouTube is the perfect platform that you need. Though YouTube streaming does not possess similar game features to Twitch, their Gaming provides an amazing editor that allows one to cut clips with ease, in addition to including songs in one’s video to ensure high-quality streams.

Also, one can be able to start monetizing his YouTube channel via advertisements and thus generate income consistently. Although Twitch possesses adverts with other monetization options, YouTube still remains at the top in this aspect.


Gamers mostly saturate Twitch and this makes the competition of getting viewers attention higher. With YouTube, there is a higher viewership, therefore more growing potential.

Streamer-Viewer Dynamics

While a content creator interacts better with viewers on Twitch, discussing and answering questions as he is playing, creators and YouTube gaming viewers on live streams engage much lesser with each other. They prefer to be creating videos with no comments or discussions.


Unlike YouTube, the Twitch algorithm largely depends on concurrent viewership, therefore one’s live stream will appear high in search engines as additional people are watching it. However, the YouTube algorithm will take things like shares, likes, evergreen content, and how many people watch videos into consideration.

Mobile Game Streaming

Mobile games have become very popular recently and this has made Twitch and YouTube add features to start accommodating the trending games. There are differences between YouTube and Twitch mobile game streaming and you might be confused about them.

Firstly, the Twitch streaming platform has been streaming mobile games right from the beginning, and because it’s common with gaming, it isn’t difficult to discover creators that play one’s desired mobile games. Streaming a mobile game isn’t hard on this platform because they have many great features that let streamers start broadcasting and recording live.

However, YouTube Gaming, just like Facebook gaming, provides game streaming support which lets YouTubers stream easily and directly from mobile devices. You’re even free to utilize the front camera of your phone for streaming yourself as you play.

Therefore, when it comes to knowing the right platform in the gaming industry, it’ll depend on the thing you are seeking. When you’re seeking more and more mobile games that you can select from with user-friendly tools for great streams, you should go for Twitch. Then, if you prefer to stream yourself as you are playing games, YouTube Gaming is the perfect option for you.

Which Pays Better Between Twitch and YouTube Gaming?

YouTube pays more and will clearly overtake Twitch in the aspect of monetization. They provide users with the YouTube Partner Program, many ad options, and channel memberships. One can additionally earn via Super Chat and Super Stickers. Though Twitch Prime is okay for monetization, it cannot be compared to what you can earn from YouTube. Then, in the aspect of affiliate programs, Twitch pays higher when compared to YouTube. Therefore, Twitch is the right choice for you if you want to start making additional money through content.


Which is the Best Platform for Growth in YouTube vs Twitch?

YouTube is majorly considered a platform where growth is faster whenever it involves growth comparison between both platforms because the algorithm and browsing features on YouTube allow new streamers to receive more prominent exposure.

Additionally, YouTube will allow one to start customizing his video thumbnails so that his content can be unique. On the other hand, Twitch provides more benefits in the aspect of Gaming content because it was designed mainly for gamers. Therefore, potential viewers will come across your content more frequently on Twitch. Also, if you live stream well, you can start growing lots of followers fast.

Can I Live Stream on Twitch and YouTube at the Same Time?

Yes, one can be live streaming on Twitch and YouTube at the same time. There are a lot of broadcasting software that allows one to carry out live streams in more than one platform but one’s streaming quality can suffer when trying it out.

Is Twitch Owned by YouTube?

No, Twitch isn’t owned by YouTube. It’s Amazon that actually owns the Twitch platform and they purchased it in 2014 for a huge amount of money. Then, the owner of YouTube is Google.