5 Home Decor Ideas You May Not Have Considered


Deciding what kind of home decor you want can be overwhelming. The possibilities can seem endless, but you’re also dealing with limitations such as space and budget. It’s easy to overlook some terrific options under the assumption that they aren’t possible because you don’t have enough room or money. Below are a few examples of things you might not have realized you could do in your house.

Home Lift

Many people might think of a luxurious stately home when they imagine adding a lift, but this is something that can be installed in most types of homes that have multiple floors. They can make it much easier for you to move items between floors and can help individuals with mobility issues as well. These designer lifts can look chic in addition to being functional.

Hot Tub

As with a home lift, you don’t need an enormous space to put in a hot tub. When you contact a company about an installation, they can often offer suggestions for ways to fit it in that are unique to your situation. There are a few strategies you can use when you only have a small outdoor area. There are some small models particularly made for more compact spaces. Another option is a sunken hot tub.


Whether you’re trying to make a space look larger, you want to change the overall mood or you’re just looking for something different, painting the walls can change the way a space looks in a big way without spending a lot of money. It’s something that even the most DIY-shy person can usually manage to do themselves or rope a few friends in to help with. Colors can have a big effect on our mental state, and you may be surprised at how much you can change a dark, gloomy room that gets too little light by painting it in a bright cheerful yellow or a similar shade.

Retro and Vintage Wallpaper

If you’re into looks such as mid-century modern or going for an older, vintage feel, you might have looked at the price of vintage wallpaper and blanched. Fortunately, for a stylish yet thrifty home renovation there’s an alternative, vintage reproductions, and you don’t have to worry about it getting stained, torn, or damaged in any other way because it’s easily replaced. If you like the look of a little bit of retro or vintage but don’t want to overwhelm a room, keep in mind as well that you can wallpaper just one part of it.

Extra Room

Whether you build up or out, adding an extra room to your home can be costly and disruptive, so it might not be possible in your situation. However, before giving up altogether, consider that there may be other approaches. Look at your existing space and see if there is any that’s wasted that you can put to better use. This might be part of a room, a pantry, or an architectural oddity such as a second, mostly unused staircase. Another option is conversion of a loft, an attic, or a shed.