Tips For Landing Tech Jobs


Digitization is the future. Technological advancement has seeped into every sector and replaced most jobs as you know them. This evolution has changed industries globally, making them faster, efficient and allowed to build effective connections with their consumers. Therefore, it’s only natural to want a career in a sector that is thriving, blooming, and yielding promising results.

Global information technology is worth $9,300.51 billion. This number is expected to increase as disruptive technology spreads its outreach further. But how do you make a name for yourself in this sector? How do you make these trillion-dollar businesses look at you? Here’s what you need to know:


1. Build up your technical skills

To work in a tech job, you need special technical skills. You need to acquire these skills, whether it’s a deep understanding of the cloud computing system, coding like java, or even a comprehensive outlook on cybersecurity. Learning technical skills is not easy. You will have to look into enrolling in an online web developer bootcamp, getting an online degree, or attempting self-learning some of these complex concepts.

However, once you become proficient, the world is your oyster. Nothing appeals more to tech companies than an employee who’s familiar with technology and has sufficient digital literacy to be an asset to their organization. Your technology skills resume needs to stand out as much as possible so make sure that your CV does an excellent job of reflecting your talent and expertise. For this reason, don’t downplay the importance of learning advanced Microsoft, working on large datasets, and common coding languages like python.


2. Mind your digital reputation

Your digital footprint plays a role in your application screening. Companies no longer stick to interviews alone to decide whether to hire you. Instead, they may also run an online scan on you, check your background, and analyze how you occupy the digital space. Anything you comment on, share, or have an opinion about will influence your employer’s decision. While there is nothing wrong with participating in an online discussion, how you present yourself and the words you use matter. 

On this note, you should mind how you use the internet and the content you share. You never know if you’re one comment away from losing the job of your dreams. Several online accounts of individuals who made inappropriate posts ended up losing their jobs and illustrious internships. These should be enough to prevent you from undermining your public profile’s power over your employment. 

At the same time, you can also use your online reputation to make a name for yourself. Choosing to contribute fruitfully to online communities, building relationships, and sharing your ideas on the tech industry can give your employers a deeper glimpse into your personality. Use your platform to show your passion for the industry and create a robust network that will supplement the decision of choosing you and sway the ruling in your favor. 


3. Look into informational interviews

Before applying to any tech company, you must know who they are and their mission; this is where informational interviews come in handy. This is a process in which you reach out to other technical experts to inquire about an organization, learn about their hiring process, and what expectations they have from their employees. If you know anyone working in a large enterprise, you can find out how they secured a job and use that as a blueprint to create your professional profile. 

You can also use websites like LinkedIn to study more about the company you want to work for and pay close attention to the businesses they collaborate with. Preparation is crucial, and having some information on the people you want to work with can help you do better on your interview.


4. Research on a specific field

The technological industry is vast. You can’t know details on every single digital advancement and discuss it at length. Therefore, pick a specific field and research it. Ensure you exhibit your knowledge when you have the information you need in any tech job. You can publish blog posts and podcasts or build low-scale projects within that specific field. 

Companies are more impressed with applicants who show initiative and expertise in a particular field instead of having superficial knowledge of various tech industry areas. Researching is also an excellent way to show your commitment to the sector, and investing your time into projects shows you know how to apply practically the knowledge you have.


5. Get experience

Companies that are pioneers in technology need applicants with solid backgrounds. Your technical skills and education are not enough to get you the job. You also need to have professional experience to back up your resume. It’s okay to start small. As a tech industry newbie, don’t hesitate to work for startups, freelance your services, do numerous tech internships or start your career with a smaller tech company. These factors ultimately give you the experience you need to get shortlisted for a major tech firm. 

Building up experience takes time, so you’ll have to spend at least a year or the next five years of life becoming a specialist. But ensure you make the most of your time and treat your job as a learning curve to polish your technical and soft skills. There’s no point in becoming fluent with digital tools if you can’t communicate what you know and explain the data adequately. 

Most tech-based firms work in teams, so you’ll need to get comfortable with collaboration. This is why you should use smaller companies as a stepping stone to prepare for a larger company. 


Nothing is more ambitious than striving for a job in the technology industry. The future is all about digital tools and advancements, so making yourself a comfortable career in this sector is a good choice. But before starting your new profession, you must learn to present yourself to major tech-based companies. To begin with, you need to have enough technical skills to make your resume stand out. Ensure your online reputation is clean and reflects your passion for the industry perfectly.

Furthermore, indulging in informational interviews can help you prepare and gain the necessary knowledge about the company you want to work for. While you’re learning, research specific areas of the tech industry. Allow yourself the space to build up experience before you shoot for a larger company. Your work history gives your resume the boost it needs to make you a favorable candidate for your future employers.