Top Tools For Leaders To Make Work From Home A Breeze For Their Workforce 


Remote work has become a common practice for companies these days. Businesses worldwide are swiftly implementing flexible remote work rules for their staff, whether to attract the best talent or in response to a pandemic. 

Moving to a remote work environment is simple for organizations that have previously adopted collaborative technologies to link their staff and customers. But for an organization that is a newbie in this mode of working, it can get pretty complex to adapt. 

This article will take you through some tools which will assist you in providing a hassle-free work-from-home experience for your remote employees. 

What exactly is remote working software?

People who work remotely can benefit hugely from remote working software irrespective of their geographical location. Software designed for this workstyle includes options like texting and communication tools like video calls, cloud storage, task and project management tools, etc. 

For remote collaboration, remote working software tools need to have integration with other applications and also be user-friendly. For example, linking your remote working software with learning tools like Acendre LMS will help the learning and development teams to track and manage employee training effectively. With appropriate remote working software, new staff can easily be integrated into the company. 

Much needed characteristics of remote working tools:

  • Easily accessible: The SaaS distribution model has enabled workers to access remote working tools from any terrain. Since most of the current remote work solutions are cloud-based, users do not need to bother about the installation or maintenance of the apps. Additionally, choosing mobile applications, assist remote workers to use these technologies even on the go.
  • User Friendly: A simple user interface would be a helpful thing to introduce in remote working software cause it gets tough for employees to get accustomed to the work style of the company, in that case, software with an intuitive interface might help. 
  • Cost-effective: These remote work assisting tools are not only user-friendly but most importantly, affordable. 


Tools required for a hassle-free work-from-home experience:

  • Communication Tools

These tools are easy to work with and help in providing a comforting work-from-home experience. Features include: 

  1. Assisting in sending messages, team building, bookmarking conversations, document pinning, etc. 
  2. Communication tools with voice-over-internet protocol business phone systems enable businesses/ organizations to access their remote workforce very easily using either the desktop application or a browser-based one. 
  3. Features that enable remote workers to take up calls easily and connect with highly functioning technologies of other companies just to avoid skipping any important business call. 

  • Information sharing tools: 
    1. These tools provide the customer support team with a consolidated and user-friendly communication hub by integrating help desk tickets with internal email and messaging applications. These tools along with communication tools provide a single platform from which employees can access all valuable information regarding the calls being placed and received. 
    2. Features also include enabling the user to automate tasks and synchronize your team’s data throughout platforms, as it gets hectic for busy employees to switch applications.  

  • Task managing tools: 
    1. A work operating system that assists with potent project management and aids the team in keeping track of various tasks and projects, is very helpful for remote workers.  
    2. Messaging facilities in these tools enable businesses to stay connected with their customers. And also focuses on the conversion of website visitors to paying customers. The dashboard of these kinds of tools keeps track of the customer interaction and the group inbox features in these tools enable your team to collaborate while annotating customer files. 
    3. These tools also assist managers in assigning tasks and follow-up duties to their employees.
    4. These tools usually have a simple interface that offers your entire team to plan, create, and assign tasks. Every task can have a card created for it, and the manager can sort the tasks by department, assignee, or both.


  1. Tools for enhancing productivity

The features that these tools possess, enable you to monitor everyone’s advancement. 

  1. These tools offer managers the ability to audit and evaluate their team’s client interactions across channels, digitally. 
  2. When integrated with the communication tools, these tools can locate and analyze calls, provide helpful comments for agents, and grade the performances of individual agents, all from the convenience of one interface. 
  3. Also has the feature of assisting sales and customer success teams with call transcription and analysis. 


Working remotely can be difficult for both the team and the individual. Hence, fetching tools that can make the remote work-life simple and productive is essential. You can work remotely to your full potential with the support of the work-from-home tools, about which a brief has been provided in this article.