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What Does an SEO Company Do?

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Online or digital marketing has a fast-paced reputation. Topics like Google analytics, algorithms, and social media engagement create a buzz in the market. However, many people don’t know much about what it actually entails.

What do you mean by SEO? Why is it essential? How to find a good SEO company Alpharetta? Read on to get the answers.

Alpharetta is a part of the Atlanta metropolitan area of Georgia, which is widely famous as the “Tech City of South” It is placed in 12th position in terms of population density in Georgia. The population of the country is nearly 70,000. According to a Forbes report, the city tops the 25 best places to move.

Most companies set their offices in this area as its growing young population is ideal for them to grow their businesses.

However, with so many companies around, it is vital that you take every step possible to make your business stand out from your competitors. SEO is one of the best ways to achieve a competitive advantage in today’s digital world.

What is an SEO agency?

An SEO company delivers search engine optimization services. They prepare your website for a desirable google search. Their services include modifying the content, generating backlinks, and many more.

Their work will directly impact search engine page results (SERPs) when you gain more traffic to your website.

What do SEO companies do?

SEO companies Alpharetta have a vast range of roles and responsibilities.

Audit and Research

SEO companies don’t have a particular set of formulas they suggest to every client. Instead, they research the company’s problems and challenges and propose unique solutions. Their research and solution include the following things:

– Keyword research
Good rankings can be achieved by identifying and placing relevant keywords on your website.

– Google Analytics
Analytics tools like Google Analytics help in tracking past performance and trends and suggest scopes of improvement.

– Google Webmaster Tools
Google webmaster tools help you understand the client’s history and current status. One can identify technical issues of a client’s website that may affect ranking.

– Link Cleanup
SEO firms used to provide thousands of links that redirected to the company’s website. This link cleanup should be detected and cleaned early. Otherwise, it will negatively affect all SEO work.

– Website audit
A proper audit of the client’s website covers the webpage’s loading time, keywords, meta description, URL type, internal linking, and geo tagging. These factors affect conversions and results.

Initial Optimization

It includes redesigning the website, code overhaul, and removal of links.

– Redesigning website
Though not entirely, partial changes must be made to restrict traffic. And in the worst case, the whole design part needs a rework.

– Code overhaul
Sometimes, agencies suggest overhauling the code to make your website SEO more friendly. Most of the time, however, a light cleanup will do rather than a complete replacement of the code.

– Removal of links
An agency suggests removing unimportant and harmful inbound links to save you from a penalty.

Link Building

Link building is a never-ending process, and there are different ways to build links. The activities include

– Link monitoring
Link monitoring adds value by protecting your website from negative SEO attacks.

– Competitor research
Your SEO firm can build and replicate links of the competitors if necessary to achieve success.

– Online PR
Public relations medium is an excellent way of link building to attract people. Firms perform online PR activities by discussing with journalists, creating posts, engaging with audiences on social media platforms, and running media campaigns.

Content Creation

After link building, content creation is the second most important SEO practice. It is a brilliant way to bring traffic to your website. Content creation activities include content marketing like blog posts, creative articles, and infographics. Moreover, adding FAQs is a type of content expansion that provides more value.

Final Reporting

The success of good SEO firms depends on their communication with their clients. A clear-cut discussion of the process and results should be done weekly or monthly. The report must include inbound links, rankings progress, and visitor activity tracking.

Final Thoughts

The points mentioned above cover most strategies that a Search Engine Optimization firm does, but not everything. SEO firms change their approach depending on the situation. Their services, techniques, and tactics vary across the globe.

An SEO company in Alpharetta will undoubtedly help your business to grow. But before you hire one, make sure you do your research and choose who can help you.

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