Error Debugging In JavaScript Development

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If something can go wrong, it eventually finds a way of going wrong. And, if you’re speaking about programming, then JavaScript is not immune to bugs and common issues. If you’re an app creator, you must resolve these issues before they start hurting app users.

We’ll guide you through the basics of JavaScript and explain how you can identify and fix errors. These tips will be useful in overcoming errors effectively in production environments.

Anatomy Of The JavaScript Error

The JavaScript error is a situation that doesn’t allow the program to function properly. An error is a system telling the user that it doesn’t know what to do and how to proceed further. Usually, an error intimation supplies comprehensive information about the kind of error you’re encountering, the sequence that created the error, and the stack trace when the error occurred.

The Typical Javascript Error Will Have At Least Three Components:

– 1. The message: This is the string value that conveys the error message.
– 2. The name explains the type of error you’ve encountered.
– 3. The stack: This mentions the stack trace of the code executed when the error happened.

Expert developers in the JavaScript application development company, Active Logic, explain that a software product’s success hinges on how well creators resolve error handling issues. Here’s a quick guide to error identification and resolution issues that challenge you in the production environment.

The Most Common Errors You Will Encounter In JavaScript

With the help of JavaScript development companies, you will benefit through unique, user-friendly, and interactive applications. Here’s a basic refresher in JavaScript error management that would help you if you’re going solo.

1. The Uncaught Range Error

Different scenarios can create an uncaught range error in Google Chrome. The browser’s maximum call stack size is exceeded, and execution is blocked because the memory is exhausted.

The immediate solution is to reduce the number of function calls or limit the number of variables. The alternative uses a tracer debugger that tracks the program’s status and locates the function prompting the error.

2. The Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Set Property

When the value is different from the expected one, you face a TypeError. It’s called “Uncaught” because the error isn’t caught in the try-catch block.

It becomes undefined if you declare a variable without assigning it a value. The result is the error – Uncaught TypeError Cannot set property of undefined. The solution is to initialize the reference by assigning a value before you access the reference’s properties.

3. The Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read Property

In JavaScript, properties and functions are attributed to objects. Since undefined can’t be categorized as an object, calling a function or reading a property on such a variable creates an error.

You’ll encounter many such errors where a property is read, or a function is called on an undefined variable.

The solution lies in providing an initial default value to the undefined state container.

4.TypeError: ‘undefined’ Is Not An Object

This error appears in Safari when a property is read/function is called on an undefined variable. The problem is fixed when you initialize your variables properly, and the property does not remain undefined when the function is called.

5. TypeError: Null Is Not An Object

You’ll see such errors occurring on Safari when the object whose property or method is being accessed is showing as null and not as undefined.

Null is a value the developer sets that is identifiable with a variable. The value is not assigned by JavaScript automatically. So, you need to go back to your code and recheck the correctness of the logic that you wrote.

6. TypeError: Cannot Read Property ‘length.’

In the older versions of Chrome, this happens when you read the length of a null or undefined object, and it frequently occurs when handling lists. In the updated versions of Chrome, the error might appear as “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined.” The solution is to make sure the object you are accessing exists and is not set to null.

7. TypeError:‘undefined’ Is Not A Function

This error occurs in Google Chrome when the method you invoke doesn’t exist in the script or the method can’t be referenced in the calling contact. The right approach is to check the line of code triggering the error and fix the issue.


You’ll encounter errors in JavaScript just like any other programming language, and it’s necessary to understand the anatomy and typology of such errors.

It makes a big difference if you equip yourself with the right tools and deploy proper techniques to isolate errors and prevent application malfunction.

Define and execute a strategy for handling errors, and you can safely execute all kinds of JavaScript applications. Protection Status