Best Practices For Effective Email Management


It’s the first day of the week. You switch on your computer, knowing in advance that a huge amount of new letters are waiting for you there. If you work in a firm, you’ll probably get at least 20-30 emails per day, and potentially more if you use the same mail account for personal and social communication. And we are not even talking about spam emails that also can get into your inbox.

All of these emails take a long time to read, respond to, or something else. As a result, your productivity drops, and you don’t have enough time to accomplish all of your chores. As a result you need to stay at work more than you wanted.

Without a question, email is a vital mode of communication. But only for those who understand how to use it without becoming lost in the tangle of messages. Because email correspondence then becomes a source of new issues. There are, however, ways to help you manage your messages more successfully and with less effort.

– 1. First of all, regular checking of your mail throughout the day might help you keep your mailbox under control. However, if you are constantly stopped and distracted by email notifications, your productivity will suffer and your work routine will be disrupted. That is why it is necessary to set aside time to check your email account. 10 minutes as soon as you turn on your computer, 10 minutes in the afternoon or during meal break, and 15 minutes before you finish everything in the office on the current day, for example.

You need to create a schedule that will help you be more productive, not vice versa. Turn off the notifications for new messages that arrive. It goes without saying that such small things distract you from focusing on the task you are doing at the moment. Ask your coworkers to call you in case they need to tell you something urgent.

– 2. Take use of email organizers. These clever tools were developed to make email management simpler and faster. The amount of time you spend on emails decreases dramatically, and you see results in a short period of time. When selecting the best email organizer for you, be cautious.

– 3. Do not postpone emails which won’t take you more than 2 minutes to read and apply a certain action to them, like responding, archiving, deleting, etc.

– 4. If your company uses email marketing as one of the tools of their business strategy, you’re well aware that even the most meticulously compiled email lists must be validated on a regular basis. Doing this procedure manually is almost impossible, or you will need to hire a person who will be doing this non stop. Here free email verification services come for help.

– 5. To organize emails, create a simple file system. You are free to use any categories that spring to mind. For instance, business, projects, hobbies, and so on. Create a folder for each project if you’re working on several. Anything to have your inbox organized the way you want it. Having folders for email processing has the advantage of making it easier to locate old emails. This way you always know where to find the needed messages right away.