The Importance of a Good Website for the Personal Injury Specialist


A website is important for every organization. Especially in this time when technology is progressing more and more, it is necessary to be found on the internet. Many industries recognized the importance of the internet very early on and are responding well to the ever-growing technology. The banks are a good example. In the last century every city and even every village had one or more bank branches. Transferring money, applying for a bank card and exchanging foreign currency all went through the bank branch.

The banking world has now become almost completely digital. Everything can be arranged via the bank’s website, from transferring money to requesting a bank card and paying off the mortgage.

Websites of personal injury lawyers

As progressive as banks are in implementing the technology on their websites, personal injury lawyers fail to present themselves professionally in the Netherlands online. These websites are often outdated self-constructed websites. These websites are also completely untraceable on Google. As a result, things are going badly for personal injury lawyers in the Netherlands. These law firms have to compete with personal injury firms. The websites of these legal aid providers often look good and are easy to find on the internet.

Why is a good website for a personal injury lawyer so important?

As a result of the increasingly fierce competition from personal injury agencies in the Netherlands, the personal injury lawyer is in danger of disappearing from the market in the Netherlands to a large extent. This is largely the result of the internet and the websites of personal injury agencies. More and more people are choosing to claim personal injury compensation (Dutch: letselschade vergoeding) for a personal injury agency and not for a personal injury lawyer.

In principle, a website is the business card of the company. If you do nothing with your website, you will disappear in the crowd of other websites. It is therefore of no use to have a beautiful website if you do not ensure that it is findable. Potential clients will then choose another provider.

Major personal injury agencies in the Netherlands spend a lot of money on SEO and SEA and ensure that the website and landing pages are optimized. In this way, the website of a personal injury agency can be found throughout the Netherlands. This while many personal injury lawyers only focus on the place in which they are located. Someone who is the victim of a dog bite (Dutch: hondenbeet) or collision knows less and less where to find this personal injury lawyer.

Do personal injury lawyers want to survive in the Netherlands? Then they will also have to invest in a good website. In addition, it will have to be optimized so that SEO and SEA can also be used, so that personal injury cases can be addressed in the entire Netherlands. If the legal profession does not do this and they continue as they do now, there is a good chance that the personal injury lawyer will disappear, except for a few, in the Netherlands and there will only be personal injury offices.