Social Media Tips to Skyrocket Your Marketing Strategy


So much of our lives have moved at least partially online, that it’s only natural for businesses to try to take advantage of the web to promote their services or products. With millions of people there, and amongst them your potential clients, social media is the place to be. However, even though people may find it hard to trust businesses without a social media presence, simply being present isn’t enough. So, what’s the solution?


Reach Potential Clients

Even with the best ideas, and the best products or services, the hardest part of launching any type of business, regardless of whether it’s online or not, is to make people aware of your existence. And even if your conversion value doesn’t come directly from the internet like with eCommerce businesses, with everyone on social media, every business can benefit from a good social media campaign. Many people conduct online research before buying something, even if it’s not online, and social media profiles are the first thing they look at.

This is why, in order to create a good social media campaign, one of the first steps you should take is to hire professionals, such as an Instagram and Facebook ads agency, who understand how to best use all of the platforms’ capabilities. A good social marketing strategy will reach the right people, thanks to targeted advertising options getting to preferred users, based on their demographic info, location, language, online behavior, and so on.

You could also use tools and templates that will make it easier to work with social media when promoting your business and attract more customers, such as lead magnet templates. This will help you save time and get the max profit for your business.

Keep Potential Clients Interested

It can be really hard nowadays to be noticed on social media but without it, it can be hard to survive for any business of any size. This is why it’s important to create a good social media marketing strategy.

While your ad campaigns can help you reach people, a Facebook ads agency can take you only so far. A combination of ads and good and engaging social media profiles can help you create a lasting connection to your audience, attract new customers and retain old ones. There are many ways to share content with your followers and keep them engaged, including blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, etc.

– Informative Content
Most people are drawn to knowledge. By creating useful content, something that may help your followers find solutions for a problem or learn something new, you can encourage them to interact with you, or share your content with their friends, colleagues, or followers.

– Entertaining Content
People use social media for different things, including finding products and services, learning, finding jobs, even reading the news, however connecting with other people and entertainment is still the number one motive for the majority of users. This is another opportunity for engagement with customers. You can create quizzes, surveys, and other interactive content, you can ask for comments on interesting topics related to your brand, etc.

– Visual Content
Creating videos and sharing them on social media, can help you engage with your audience. Make videos that offer solutions, by showing your followers how they can benefit from a product or a service you offer. Another option is to make videos of customer testimonials, or interview employees – to give customers a more intimate insight into your team or your brand.

It’s more important to provide entertaining and informative content than spectacular videos. Your goal should also be to keep visual content as short and clear as possible. Aside from videos, you should use other types of visual content, including photographs, static and interactive infographics, reels, etc.

– Hashtags
Hashtags are great for reaching people that don’t know you. You can create your hashtag campaign, or use popular hashtags. However, choose carefully and try not to overdo it because people find some hashtags annoying and too many hashtags can look unnatural.

– Influencers
Influencers are a fairly new tool for advertising but they are very popular because of how effective this type of marketing can be. Whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or another social platform, the right person with a large loyal following, can make your content and your brand more visible and help you reach more potential consumers.

Recognize Difference Between Platforms

It’s very important to adapt your content to the platform in question. For instance, Instagram users often focus only on the visual content, whereas on Facebook they may also focus on the text. Pay attention to what is popular on each platform you use, and adjust your content accordingly.

Final Words

Not using social media as part of your marketing strategy is a missed opportunity, with so many people finding content, products, and services there. To truly benefit from your social media profiles, you need to make sure that you reach your preferred audience, and provide them with meaningful content that will keep them engaged, resulting in loyal customers.