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How to Make The Most of Video On Your Website

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If you are ready to start incorporating video onto your website or if you are trying to get the best possible effect out of the video already on your website, then this article is for you. We all know the power of video with 92% of marketers saying that it’s an important part of their strategy, but how do we maximize its effectiveness. What type of video content should you be using? There are many types including video explainers, animated videos and customer testimonials. You can either hire a studio or can you make use of free stock footage or free sounds, to incorporate into your video content.

To the Homepage!

Let’s start at the top, the very top, your website header. Including video on your landing page header can be a great way to grab people’s attention right off the bat. Since the header sits right at the top of the page it’s your first opportunity to make an impression on your potential customers so it is important to do it effectively. There is no single right way to do this and much of it will come down to what type of business you are but here are a couple of ways to do this and some helpful do’s and don’ts.

Put a human face on your product

Showing how real people experience your product can do a great deal to build engagement on a deeper level. This can be a powerful tool to sell tangible products such as beauty products, holiday destinations, medical treatments, etc.

Let’s have a look at an appropriate website that makes excellent use of a simple video header, and large video backgrounds. DadaabStories aims to raise awareness about the largest refugee camp in the world and share the stories of the people who live there. Its intensely personal subject matter means that using videos of real live people is suitable and draws you into their experience immediately.

– They have done many things well in this design
– The information on the landing page is big, bold, and short to stand out from the video background.
– The video is dimmed on later pages which have to display longer pieces of information
– The framing of the content is such that not much of the movement in the background underlays the text.
– The video content is engaging but not completely distracting from the message.

They also thoughtfully do not have any auto playing audio on the pages which can cause people to “bounce” right off your page.

Animation Explainers

If what you have to offer is less “human-centric” then animation is a great way to illustrate more abstract aspects of your product to life while also avoiding not representing certain users of your website. Using animated explainers on homepages and product pages is a great way for companies in tech, design, or industry to get their message across quickly and simply.

Websites are not static media but have a strong element of motion and interactivity so animated features tie in very well with this concept. The way that people can use and move through a website while enjoying relevant content allows for greater impact and hopefully a better connection between customer and product.

Check out the hero landing page for Handwrytten, a service that uses robotic arms to write “handwritten” letters. But I barely needed to tell you that right? The landing page says it all, blending a photo of a handwritten note with simple and cute animations, we immediately know what’s on offer and the imagery and motion are used not just for their own sakes but to convey value and meaning.

To the other pages

These ideas don’t just apply to website landing pages and but can be applied across the board. Animated explainers are great on “About Us” pages, so too are video testimonials in general but each company is unique and your website should reflect your brand message. Try to draw inspiration from some of the creative, interesting websites out there which affect you and see what aspects of these can be applied to your website.

Just remember that your website is the face you present to your clients and might be the only thing they engage with so make sure to put your best foot forward and make sure your message is in line with your overall brand strategy.

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