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Why Physical Communication is Still a Good Idea

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The internet and social media channels are fleeting. Print, on the other hand, is tangible and therefore cannot be missed in a marketing mix. Combining tangible and digital communication strengthens each other. You can find a few examples of this below.

Creating an eye-catching billboard

Creating a billboard (translation: reclamebord maken) is easy and very effective. It provides recognition for your brand. You can order them rectangular, but also in a free form. For example, in the shape of your logo or a product. By choosing a different shape your expression will stand out even more. Making a billboard does not have to be harmful to the environment. You can also choose from sustainable materials, such as Akyprint and PEFC Multiplex.

Print physical brochures

Have a brochure printed (translation: brochure drukken) to bring products and services to the eyes. The advantage of a physical brochure is that it sits on your customer’s desk or kitchen table. As a result, your customer is reminded of it regularly. Brochures are also ideal to hand out at fairs and events. Or to put in places where your target group often visits. A brochure consists of at least 8 pages. Do you have less information to give? Then you can also think of a folder or a flyer.  

Stamp cards keep customers coming back

Another good example of physical communication is a stamp card. A stamp card ensures customer loyalty. By linking a fun action to it, such as a free coffee when the card is full, you entice customers to come back more often. In addition, you have enough space to put your logo and a link to your website on the card.

Sending cards in times of isolation

In quarantine time, we spend a lot of time online. From digital meetings to facetime with family and friends. This makes it all the more fun to send a card to support colleagues, family and/or friends. A sent card provides a physical contact moment and that is worth a lot in times of isolation!

These are just a few examples of physical communication. Of course, digital marketing is also very effective. The trick is to combine both for an amplifying effect!

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