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The Hottest Trends for the Coolest Homes in 2021

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It’s not just fashion that comes and goes, changing from year to year. The way that we decorate and furnish our homes does too. But the big difference is that you can leave all those old clothes back in the wardrobe when they’re no longer quite so on-trend. But changing the look of your home is a far more complicated process.

That’s why it’s important to get it right for the long term and latch on to trends that you’ll be happy to stick with not just for a season, but for at least a couple of years. So the now well-used William Morris quote is a good principle to stick by when it comes to what you put in your home, and these are ideas that are set to look good well into 2022 and beyond.

Blue is the color

When it comes to the colors that are going to be on-trend, it’s always best to turn to the experts as a starting point. 

As any designer knows, this leads you directly to Pantone who have announced that Classic Blue (Pantone ref: 19-4052) is their color of the year. Its deep, rich tones make it the perfect choice for lounges and even bedrooms, especially when used on feature walls and paired with brighter, complementary colors like yellows and golds.

Forget formality

The way we are using our homes these days is changing, and that means being a great deal more flexible. So, what might have been a dining area now has to double up as a home office space or even somewhere the kids can do everything from homework to craft activities.

This might also mean that it’s also a time for a change of home. This could give you a more flexible and sustainable space at an affordable price – especially if you find the right home loan. There’s a wealth of useful mortgage advice out there from online brokers like Trussle who search the market for the very best deals to get you where you want to be, and to make your budget go further.

See the light

“Bocci 73.1 Led Single Pendant Light Repl” (Public Domain) by ZoraLighting
With the darker shades of blue becoming more prominent, it’s going to be important to let as much natural light in during the day, as well as to think carefully about the mood lighting for when the sun’s gone down.

So heavy drapes are most definitely out and bright, but discreet, table lamps are in. This is going to be especially important when winter rolls around again, bringing with it the very real risk of seasonal affective disorder.

Bring the outside in

Another way that we’re also going to be making our homes more attractive and natural places to live is by following the trend of filling them with house plants, and possibly even a bay or lemon tree or two. Cared for properly, these will thrive inside and add a whole new dimension to a home.

So get to work on creating your own personal mood board now and, before long, your home will be right on trend for 2021.

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