Everything Hidden You Need to Know About Remote Notarization


Remote notarization relies strictly on virtual communication since the concerned parties are not physically present in one room. They communicate using audio-video technology. A notary, on the other hand, is a public officer. The officer oversees the signing of various documents and authenticates the signatures. Notarization deters fraud.

Steps Involving Online Notarization

Below is a step-to-step process of virtual notarization

– A signer contacts an online rotary to request the service. Not every person can perform virtual notarization. One must be licensed and authorized.

– The signer uploads the electronic document on the online technology platform for notarization. Examples, documents can be notarized including power of attorney, will, trust, estate documents, to mention but a few. After notarization, these documents then become legal.

– The signer and the licensed notary communicate virtually using audio-visual technology. There is no physical meeting.

– The notary screens and verifies the signer’s identity. They can do this by asking for personal information relating to credit or financial data. Alternatively, the notary can verify the Id the signer submits. Thirdly remotely viewing the signer’s ID during notarization.

– After verification, the parties sign the electronic documents using an electronic signature. The online notaries then attach the seal and certificate digitally.

– There must be an audio and video recording of the notarization procedure. The notary retains the recording. Finally, he/she sends back the notarized document to the signer via an email.

The procedure above is a general online notarization procedure. Some states may have varying steps depending on the laws.

The Benefits of Remote Virtual Notarization

Online notarization has many benefits, including;   
– It Deters Fraud
Notarization involves verifying parties’ identities to create trust before doing a transaction. Over the internet, notarization helps deter fraud that may happen during such transactions. The notarization procedure involves rigorous identification queries and credit analysis. Besides, the online platforms have a feature that requires identity proof. Furthermore, a notary must verify the signers’ government -given identity card has the correct details. The remote online notarization system scans identity cards to ensure the signer photo is on the profile.

– It Is Safe 
A notary’s work is to ensure that parties doing a transaction are not coerced into signing documents. But sometimes, these notaries may encounter dishonest persons pressuring them to apply their seal. With virtual notarization, this is impossible. Remote online notarization involves using audio-visual communication modes. Therefore, online notaries can conduct their transactions in a safe location. The notary is far from the signer, who can consequently not force them to apply the seal. Recording of all transactions further protects both the notary and the signer from fraud. Recordings are for quality assurance and legal requirements.

– It Has Simplified Business Partnership
A partnership involves the coming together of two businesses. Previously businesses wanted to partner but had to get a notary physically to oversee the document signing process in different locations. The process was thus cumbersome.

However, remote online notarization is straightforward. The document validation techniques authenticate all details. Online notarization requires only internet access and a computer hence enhancing business partnership.

Online notaries are very important, especially during this time of the pandemic. You can still have your documents notarized remotely as long as you engage a registered and experienced notary.