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5 Tips for Create Better Facebook Video Ads

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If you want to get the best bang for your buck with Facebook ads, video is the way to go. As they generate the highest clicks and leads. This is because videos stand out better in the Facebook feed than images and text ads. Also, the Facebook algorithm likes video content more than images. They will ensure that your video ad reaches more people at a lower spend.

So, today I am going to share my top tips for creating better Facebook video ads…

Keep them short

Your videos will gather more attention, but people will only continue watching and finish it if they’re short, as attention spans are short on the network. Facebook actually recommends you to create Facebook videos that are less than 6 seconds long. So, keep them extremely short.

Instead of bloating up your content and including tons of information, get to the point right from the beginning of the video and end with a call to action that gets people to visit your website. Make sure you use a good video editing application to assemble the important bits from all the videos you create.

Optimize for mobile

50% of people use Facebook via the mobile app. This is why if you want more conversions you should optimize your videos for mobile. Before you go live, play your video on both a mobile phone and tablet to see that it is easy to watch. Also, make sure that the sound is audible.

Another thing you need to do is make sure that the funnel is optimized for mobile. I recommend you create a mobile version of the funnel and use this separately for the mobile ad. As offering a very rich mobile experience will do wonders for your conversion rate.

Optimize for silent viewing

63% of Facebook users watch videos in mute. This is why you should optimize your videos for mute by adding subtitles. They will ensure that more people finish watching your videos and convert. These subtitles should be big enough to see, but they shouldn’t occupy so much space that they obscure the contents of the video. So, get the balance right.

You should test the mobile version of the video after you add the subtitles as they need to be easy to read on mobile too.

While you add the subtitles also place your logo on the video as video theft is rampant on Facebook. Adding your logo will prevent people from stealing your videos and even if they do that you get free advertisement.

Warm-up audiences before serving ads

The most successful media buyers use a technique called the warm-up. This is where instead of serving the audience with ads immediately, they serve them with non-promotional organic videos. These videos help nurture their audience and ready them for the ad. The videos can be organic or ads, but they need to be completely educational without anything promotional.

Facebook lets you create custom audiences consisting of video views. You can later retarget these video viewers with the ads. They actually let you create custom audiences depending on the amount of video they consumed. Make sure you only retarget people who watched more than 50% of the video as it indicates a higher affinity with your brand.

Create several versions and experiment

After you warm up the audience, you can launch the ads. But before you launch them, you should create several versions. This is because successful media buying is all about testing. You need to test a lot of versions of your ad before picking the winners. So, create 15 versions of your ads and test them. You can run each ad with a $5 a day budget during the test period.

Do this for a week at least. After the 1st week, you can keep the winners and archive the losers, and scale the budget of the winners.

But don’t stop with the testing there. Continue experimenting with newer versions of the winner to see if you can find a version that converts even better.


These are my top tips for creating better Facebook video ads. Begin implementing them today to watch your return on ad spend soar.

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