Ways to Fix Amazon Fire TV Stick Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

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Amazon Fire stick is a fantastic product, and its popularity is proof of the same. You get to watch tons of exciting content and that too without any disturbances. However, sometimes, the Fire stick refuses to connect to your Wi-Fi connection, and that could be a troublesome situation.

Fortunately, we are here to back you, and here are a few ways to fix an Amazon Fire TV stick that is facing connectivity issues.

Check for any router problems

The first thing that we all do when checking the Wi-Fi connection is to see if there are any issues with the router. Even if you followed all the steps to install the device, sudden problems could have cropped up.

Check if the DHCP of your router is not disabled by any chance. If that has happened, you should assign a static IP to the fire stick. You may have reached the limit of devices connected to the router; you will have to remove one of the current devices to make a place for the Fire stick.

Unhide the SSID for your Wi-Fi

It is also possible that the Wi-Fi connection you want to connect is hidden for the Fire stick to detect. Use the following methods to fix that issue.

– Go to the Settings menu for the Fire TV stick
– Now select the network option.
– After this, click on “Join other network.”
– You should add the SSID or name of your Wi-Fi and then click on the play or pause button to move ahead.
– Choose the network’s security type and proceed.
– Fill in the network’s password as well as security code
– After confirming all the details, you can click on Connect.

Rebooting of the router

Sometimes the problem is not as big as it appears. Just by rebooting the router, you can get your Wi-Fi connectivity back. Once you have finished the rebooting, you may try reconnecting the Fire stick to the network again.

Forget the network

If you have used the network, you could try and forget it once. Here are steps that you can use to do so.

– Click on the settings menu of your Fire stick
– Choose the network option and move your cursor on the network you are trying to use.
– There is an option for forgetting the network. You will have to press the ‘select’ button on your remote.
– This should remove the network, and you can try to add it again.

Restore to Factory settings

If all your efforts are wasted as a last resort, you could restore the Fire stick to its factory settings. However, this should be your last resort. This is because once you set your fire stick to factory settings, all your previously downloaded content and data will be removed. You will have to add all the information once again.


Mostly one of these tips should be enough to get your Fire stick connected to the Wi-Fi network. However, despite all the efforts, nothing may work, and you will have to get in touch with Amazon’s device support.

They can guide you better by suggesting solutions that are workable and would fix the problem for you.

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