A Guide on Remote Working as a Designer


Over the course of the last year, most people, regardless of profession, have been forced to find effective and realistic ways of working remotely. While there are certain jobs that can be taken to a remote working format without many complications, there are others that aren’t as naturally conducive to working outside of the office. One such job is that of a designer.

As a creative profession and one that involves the constant input of and communication with clients, there is doubtless some equipment that any designer will need to have at their disposal in order to work remotely. The general set-up of a designer is one that should be given proper consideration so that when they sit down to work, they will have everything necessary for the job.

If you are designer who is looking to transition to a remote working scenario, here are a few tips to help you approach the situation in the manner that will allow you to continue to do your job properly.

The Equipment

The first issue that you will need to address when you are preparing to work remotely as a designer is the equipment that you will need. Depending on the type of design that you are involved in, you might need a great deal of equipment, as well as a significant amount of space so that you can do your job.

That being said, regardless of the type of designer that you are, you will certainly need to have a reliable laptop that will run any programs that you use properly. The particular specifications of your laptop will depend on the sort of programs you use, but this is not an area that you should cut corners on. Investing in the right laptop, like a Lenovo, laptop for instance, is going to be an important step in setting up your remote working environment.

Other equipment that isn’t related to the tech that you will be using to work remotely is going to be the furniture that you have. As a designer, you will be spending a fair amount of time working at your desk as well as on your feet. Make sure that you have a comfortable desk and desk chair in your remote office so that you don’t end up suffering from unnecessary back and neck pain.

The Approach

One of the most difficult aspects to transitioning to a remote working scenario is the adjustment that you will need to make in regard to the manner in which you approach your work. The work of a designer is such that you could essentially continue to work indefinitely. In fact, it is likely that the only reason you were able to strike a healthy work-to-home life balance before is that you could leave your work more or less behind at the office.

In your new set-up, you will need to find other ways of striking the right balance. Take the time to set up boundaries for your work so that you can give yourself the breaks that you need.