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5 Reasons To Use an Online Whiteboard During The Pandemic

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Classic whiteboards are so last season!

We have just reviewed the new and improved online whiteboard offered by Miro and that’s the conclusion we drew.

With the new Covid-19 Pandemic taken place this year and the rapid evolution of technology, people have become more familiar with the term “Work from Home”. So, as the remote work is now the safest and most desired choice, we have to adapt so that our productivity does not get affected by the sudden change in perspective.

What is an online whiteboard?

The online whiteboard is a software tool that was developed as a solution to various problems that people have encountered since the beginning of the pandemic, such as:

– Misinterpretation of data
– Poor communication
– Lack of perspective
– Overlong meetings
– Limited physical capacity of the classical whiteboard
– Environmental issues, for example the compulsive use of sticky notes
– Impossibility of multimedia usage

Therefore, we tested Miro in order to check which of the above mentioned difficulties could be resolved by an online whiteboard and what else does the premium version offer.

How easy it is to access the online whiteboard?

Well, if you are a team leader or a manager and your purpose is to use Miro to conduct a team of employees, then you must create an account so as to get full access to all the tools and plugins that are at your disposal.

If you are an employee and you don’t necessarily want to create a personal account, you can access the platform without having to sign in. The advantage of this facility is that an employer can share a board with everyone in the company in order to present something or ask for real-time feedback regarding a decision of the company that implies the involvement of everyone.

What are the most important tools of an online whiteboard?

Starting with the infinite canvas, you now have all the space in the world to broaden your creativity and make use of all the other tools that come in handy when doing your remote work:

Multimedia content: add pictures, videos and other multimedia content to make your presentations more interesting

– Lots of premade templates at your disposal: whether you want to use the online whiteboard for meetings, presentations, brainstorming or training sessions for your employees, there are templates specially designed to ease your work

– “Save the paper, save the planet”: the new and smarter sticky notes come in various types and colors, handwritten so as to remind you of the old ones and guess what! They are also environmentally friendly and way less sticky.

Organizing tools: planning has never been so easy! Combine your favorite templates as you please to help improve your work. Use diagrams, mind mapping, charts or other interesting stuff for productivity and strategic growth of your projects.

Share your board or save it for a later review: Give access to either edit, comment or just view the board and change the permission any time. Your privacy is valued and your projects and ideas are safe with Miro.

Should you use an online whiteboard instead? We’ll give you 5 BIG reasons why:

– 1. It’s safer
During these times when everything has to be sanitized before use, it is important to consider tools that cannot get infected in order to protect our lives and the lives of the people around us. Moving your ideas and meetings online will not only create a safer environment for everyone, but it will also offer everyone the possibility to participate in meetings and training sessions from the coziness of their homes.

– 2. It’s reliable
You can now trust your remote work more with the new online whiteboard. Work on your projects and presentations privately, so when you are ready to share them with the world, you will find confidence in knowing that you can choose who has access and to what extent. Share your boards and give permission to collaborators for editing and exchanging ideas. Your business will grow faster since you can now take your projects over seas and extend your future plans.

– 3. It’s always there for you
The online whiteboard comes with the possibility to store your unfinished ideas as drafts and come back later to review and edit the board. Also, you can store all the board you’ve been working on over the time, rename them in order to find what you need faster, and save everything as you please: on the Cloud, on Miro database, share directly on your e-mail or simply download it to your computer.

– 4. It broadens your perspective
Organize your ideas in a strategic manner so as to get a full perspective and a new approach to your projects and plans. Businesses grow on great ideas that change their course of action. Use mind mapping, flow charts, and concept maps to improve your ideas and make a change in the world. Try new and improved templates such as “Reversed Brainstorming” to gather intelligence and make use of all the tools and plugins that are put at your disposal to create and develop the best strategies for your business.

– 5. It’s saving your time (and money)
No more time wasted to erase the board, to transcript the main ideas on paper so as not to forget and no more overlong meetings! The online whiteboard is an efficient time saver when it comes to productivity. Connect with other apps such as Zoom (for meetings), Google Drive (to store and share), Google Calendar (to set up meetings and deadlines), Slack and a variety of other apps designed to make your life easier and save you both energy and money in the long run.

The verdict is as simple as it gets: Online is better!

Although the urge for physical connection is at its strongest these days, we need to consider creating a safer environment for our fellow ones. Online tools have become more accessible and affordable in order to ease our work and soften the transition to remote activities.

If you are a business owner, a teacher or a freelancer, Miro is quite the solution for you. An online whiteboard allows you to keep in touch with the company/class/partners with the integrated plug-ins for conference video calls, voting system for decision making and powerful visualization tools for better understanding and improved productivity.

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