10 Best WordPress Translation Plugins


Regardless of whether you’re doing business, want to display your creativity, or just share your thoughts with this world, you need to go digital and establish your online presence of some kind. With more than half of the world’s population actively using the internet nowadays, starting and maintaining a website or a similar web resource is vital. One of the best things about it is that you don’t have to be a programmer or a professional website developer to do that. With a variety of popular and simple resources, you can create your own spot on the internet without much effort.

The Era of CMS

As was mentioned earlier, you don’t need to be a website developer to create and maintain a website. Setting up a content management system (CMS) and keep it running actively is quite enough today. There’s no wonder that the most popular CMS, WordPress powers between 30 and 40 percent of all modern websites today. Yet, how good it can be? Let’s assume that you run an international company and already have a WordPress-powered website. Can you translate it as easy as creating and maintain? Of course, you can. Although it’s always best to address the human professionals to get the most accurate translation online, you can still automate some of the processes for a fast and easy start. And here are only some of the tools that can help you with that.

1. Polylang. This translation plugin was developed by the WordPress Foundation and is the basic, yet a rather efficient choice for your WP website. Being developed specifically for WordPress by WordPress, it’s perfectly integrated into the interface, so using it will not be a problem at all.

2. Google Translate. Another free and fairly efficient plugin from the big and respected developer in the industry. Although GTranslate might have a bad rap sometimes, it’s actually pretty good. One of the reasons to use it with your WP website is that it connects directly to the WordPress API, meaning that you can update your translations at any time as well as translate into a vast variety of languages and use this plugin for free at its almost highest efficiency.

3. TranslatePress. Another convenient plugin, the major advantage of which is its interactive nature allowing you to view and edit the translation as you go with the whole process.

4. WPML. One of the oldest translation plugins for WordPress, WPML is great for being quite simple in installation and use. In addition, if you have any issues with its automatic function, you can address the human specialists from the developer team.

5. Weglot. Another small, yet, premium-class translation plugin that allows you a lot of space in the language work. Offering over 100 languages in its power, the ability to make edits during translation, and the translation of a vast amount of content, this plugin is relatively lightweight and will not cause conflicts with other plugins you use.

6. Babble. Another quite lightweight translation plugin, Babble utilizes the language packs directly from your computer. So, essentially, all you have to do is to install a language pack, install Babble, and you’re ready to go. After the automatic translation process ends, you can proceed with editing the translated text.

7. Loco Translate. This plugin is, perhaps, one of the most flexible ones there are for WordPress. It has its own built-in API, so it can import the translation preferences from any other program, application, or even website. This means that, if approached properly, it can create a decent translation for your WP website automatically.

8. Multilingual Press. This plugin is closely integrated with WordPress, so it’s quite easy to use and can show beyond great results should it be set properly. One of the major advantages of this plugin is its ability to divide the versions of your website in different languages into different sites, which provides great flexibility.

9. Lingotek Translation. A great plugin integrated with Microsoft Translator, which is known for being quite a reliable translation tool on its own. In addition, Lingotek is connected to its own database in order to make the machine translation even more precise. Finally, the tool offers help from professional human translators, so if machine translation doesn’t work for you, you can always go the other way around.

10. Transposh. A rather powerful translation plugin for the WordPress that allows the website visitors to edit the machine translation it does. This in turn allows your website to be more precise and flexible with the translation.

There are, of course, many other tools that the internet can offer. Yet, it’s not recommended to use the automatic translation tools alone and use the expert translation at TheWordPoint for the final version of the translation. While this might cost you some additional money, it will certainly provide the greatest result possible and enable such features as localization for your website as well.

Everything Gets Automated

The world gets more digitized, connected, and automated every day. Although none of these things is perfect yet, each of these modern aspects is highly considerable. You definitely should use the digital tools to create, maintain, and translate your website. However, it’s still reasonable to get human professionals to work for you to ensure the best result possible.