How To Design & Develop A Product Successfully


Business is such a thing which is probably the most convenient way to do business. But the problem is, the way isn’t already made as per your convenience. You yourself have to make the way convenient so that you can succeed. But in this era, there are already all the products in the market sold by another hundreds or thousands sellers. Now, if you want to do business, it’s pretty obvious that you will have competitors. But that doesn’t mean that you will sit silently. Even the fairly uncomplicated business are also run by specialists. Within such people, you have to make your product shine more than others. How will you do that? This is why we are here today

You need to understand product design & development properly. Let’s talk about this.

Firstly, it depends on the complexity and application of your product which will decide which steps to follow while doing this. Fundamentally, the components of product designing can be divided into 3: appearance, functionality and quality. It’s necessary to ensure all these together.

Secondly, You have to identify your targeted customers. If you do not have any targeted customers, if your product is for all, then it is quite hard to identify the exact requirements that your product needs to meet. But if you have a specific group of customers targeted, then it will be easier for you. Just study them a little bit which brings us to the third point.

Thirdly, you need to communicate with the customers. The current customers of the market are the best to get advice from because they are the ones who use the product. So they have the best idea about what they seek from you as a customer.

Fourthly, you have to do your research. You have to look after particular details. You have to study your competitors in the market. Try to understand why are they successful or why have they failed. You need to form a collection of elements that go with the product. Also you have to select graphic styles, conceptual materials and other things. After completing this, show this to a few customers to make sure that your research is correct and what you have made is appealing.

Fifthly, you have to discuss with your team mates and mentors about the plan that you have made about the product. You have to do brainstorming. Developing strict product requirements is a must need. You have to specify the technical specifications or any sorts of legal papers (if needed).

Sixthly, you have to determine what are the possible problems that your product may have in future. Also you have to think about possible accidents. These happen frequently with everybody. If anything happens to the product, the customer will certainly come to you to have it repaired. Or sometimes things may also get broken. Customers may have to sell that product as an second hand product. For example, if you have a car and it gets broken or damaged, you may think where will I sell my junk car. You will search for junk car buyers. Or you may go to the company to get it repaired. So, you have to ensure all these for your product and customers.

Seventhly, you have to wireframe the whole plan. Wireframes are interactive schematic laves of the site or app’s screens. It is needed because in this age of technology, you have to reach to people throughout these pages or sites or applications. Wireframes are apparently the blueprint of these sites or apps.

Eighthly, you have to evaluate your product design. Through SWOT analysis, you have to make an objective assessment of your product. This will help you get answer of 4 things: the advantages of the product, the disadvantages of the product, the possibilities for the promotion of the product and the possible threats to the successful promotion of the product.

Ninthly, you have to recheck everything if there is any problem or not. If needed, you have to bring changes or modifications in the design. You have to keep in mind what you want and can achieve with the help of the changed design (if needed). Also you should conduct an end-to-end competitive analysis.

These are actually the basic and fundamental steps to make design and development of a product successful. Obviously things vary from one to another, but these are basics which are needed almost everywhere. Finally, your product is ready to launch!