5 Tools for Web Designers Working Remotely from Home


The coronavirus crisis has necessitated a rapid rise in remote working. For many decades, technology enthusiasts have trumpeted the potential of remote working and personal computers in transforming the modern workplace. Today, many companies worldwide are advising their employees to work from home whenever possible. Web designers are not an exception. 

There are many apps that web designers can use to streamline their operations while working from home. For instance, they need project management tools, time tracking tools, and more. Here are a few apps that you may want to check out. 

1. Cybersecurity solutions

There are many benefits associated with working from home. What most people don’t know is that the convenience of working from home comes with cyber-related risks. Unless your home internet network is highly encrypted, the chances are that a hacker can easily access your internet activity and your personal data. This can compromise the safety of both your data and that of the organization you work for. 

Use a VPN: By using a reliable VPN, you can successfully redirect your data through a highly encrypted tunnel. This makes it impossible for hackers to access your internet activity or data on your devices. You may want to check a definition of what a VPN is and get it from a trusted source.

2. Project management tools

If you and your team members handle all your projects through emails, you may have encountered a few challenges when it comes to collaborating on some projects and making sure everything is done on time. The right project management tool can solve such challenges. You can try any of the following tools. 

Basecamp: This is a popular tool among teams, freelancers, managers, and agencies. The tool is user-friendly and offers simple functionality. It offers a broad range of tools for organizing conversations, sharing ideas, and keeping everyone updated throughout a certain project. 
ProofHub: This an online project management platform that brings everything on a single dashboard. Users can have seamless interactions with their colleagues and clients. Some of the top features of this tool include online discussions, proofing, seamless chats, and more. 

3. Productivity tools

Productivity is a crucial aspect of a successful remote working strategy for web designers. Managing a team of workers remotely isn’t easy, and you need to ensure that your web designers (colleagues) stay productive and motivated to get the projects at hand completed on time. Here are a few productivity tools. 

Krisp: This is a noise-canceling app that can help remote web designers to be more productive. It can be used with any communication app such as Slack, Zoom, Skype, and more. 
Todoist: This app is ideal for web designers who are looking for geeking out on the planning and organization of tasks for their team members. The tool allows you to create projects, add detailed notes, set reminders, and upload files. It also offers a comprehensive productivity chart. 

4. Time management tools

When working as a team or collaborating on a certain project with people from different locations or time zones, time management becomes a challenge. You may want to try any of the following time tracking tools for freelancers.

Teamwork: This tool allows you to track every hour worked and boost your team members’ productivity. It allows you to invoice the tracked time and expenses. Also, it facilitates the creation of custom time reports.
Hubstaff: This platform allows you to keep track of where your workers or team members are spending their time and the specific tasks they are handling at any given time. Some of its top features include employee scheduling, online timesheets, employee monitoring, GPS tracking, payroll software, screen recording, online invoicing, and more. 

5. Screen recording and video calls tools

Effective communication is an integral part of a successful work-at-home strategy. When working with people who are in different locations, you need tools that can facilitate seamless video calls and screen sharing whenever necessary. Here are a few options. 

Zoom: This is a group calling app with outstanding video quality. During remote meetings and video chat with your colleagues, you can easily record the entire video call. It’s also possible to share your screen with the other people on the call for effective discussions and illustrations. 
Nextiva: This cloud phone system empowers teams to communicate with colleagues and clients in different locations effectively. The tool offers a broad range of features, including call forwarding, website live chat, call groups, and more. 


With the right tools, working remotely is cost-effective for web designers and other professionals. Be sure to choose the right tools for time management, project management, communication, and other aspects of your daily work. This will make you a highly productive web designer.