Did I Make the Right Choice? How to Change Your Major in College & When to Do It


The transition period between high school and college is a very difficult time in any student’s life. Take a lot of stress, overwhelming expectations, throw in the lack of experience, and, sadly, a lot of the time, you get a botched degree choice. The education system may be good at supplying us with general knowledge, but it usually does a very poor job of preparing us for what lies in the future.

Making a poor major choice is pretty serious. But it’s nowhere near unsalvageable. It may take a couple of extra years out of your life and a lot of financial commitment, but taking a sharp turn is never out of the picture. The specifics of this process depend heavily on personal circumstances. Here are some of the things you should consider if you are dead set on changing your major.


There is a multitude of reasons why someone would want to change their major. By far, the most common one is a student getting disillusioned about their first choice. As you learn more about your future occupation and get familiar with its daily routine, you may realize that it’s not exactly as great as you thought it would be.

It usually starts with emotional burnout, inability to focus on your assignments. You’ll start feeling tired and stressed and begin falling behind.

It’s worth mentioning that getting a bit overworked isn’t a good reason to ditch your major. If you are bogged down – try getting some outside help. Online essay services like WritePaper will help you deal with the workload. But if you feel like it’s a systematic problem, it might be time to act radically.


There is no perfect time to switch majors. After all, you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort. Upsetting this status quo is not going to be easy or pleasant. But, as a general rule, the earlier you realize you are on the wrong path, the easier it’s going to be to transition.

This is a case when going with the flow will not make you any favors. You have to be able to recognize if you’ve made a mistake and be ready to fix it.

Technically, there are no limits on when you can try and change your major. It can be a couple of months before getting a degree. The only real prerequisite is for you to be absolutely sure you want to do something else with your life. If you are, then don’t worry about the wasted time. A couple of extra years spent in college is a reasonable price for enjoying your future life.


The transition process itself is pretty straightforward:

– Choose a new major;
– Research the requirements for the transition;
– Determine whether you can handle the additional investment;
– Submit the paperwork.

Technically, the only part that directly affects the change of major is the paperwork and whatever comes after. Yet, the most important steps are the research and logistics. You’ve already made the wrong choice once; you know how bad it can be to dedicate years of your life studying something you have no interest in. Now, you have to be absolutely certain it won’t happen again.

Do as much research as you can. Talk to people that are where you want to be, try to experience as much of the major as you can before you actually commit. Otherwise, you risk wasting another couple of years for nothing.

Logistics may also be a major factor in your transition. Education takes time, effort, and money. And if you don’t have all three, it can become a serious obstacle on your way to your dream degree. Luckily for you, there are usually multiple different paths to any goal. Don’t get fixated on one specific program. Look for an alternative, more accessible options. Your enthusiasm will take care of the rest.

The formalities you’ll have to go through may vary from college to college. Usually, you are on an even playing field with other freshmen applicants even though you may be a veteran. Don’t get too confident; make sure you meet all the prerequisites, or you risk not getting in at all. Your academic advisor will help you figure out all the nitty-gritty. They’ll point you in the right direction, and all that’s left after that is for you to do your best.

Final Words

Your choice of major can define your entire life. It is very important to get it right. But even in such matters, people are bound to make mistakes sometimes. It happens more often than you might imagine. Don’t feel bad if you couldn’t get it right on your first try. And don’t feel bound to your first pick either. Take as much time as you need to set up your life properly.