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Remote Work Tools Every Digital Nomad Needs

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Welcome to the world of a Digital Nomad! If you have decided to make the leap and go remote, congratulations, and welcome to the lifestyle! You have your laptop, a steady internet connection, notes, and your coffee. That’s everything, right? Wrong!

There are many things people overlook or do not consider until they realize it is missing. Even those who make a list, tend to forget there is more to it than electronics. Let’s take a look at what remote work actually requires to be safe and successful. Aside from the basics, let’s cover what you might not have realized you needed.

Digital Connection…Obvious Right…

Having a laptop and a reliable internet connection is not enough to keep you and your business going safely. Out on the road, you will probably be linking into a lot of free WIFI, which means a public connection everyone has access too. The best way to keep yourself and your work safe is to have a VPN set up. A VPN is a safe, private connection only you can use. Get yourself some spyware software as well to double your safety. You can find loads of options here! Oh, and be sure to select the right way to connect “face-to-face” like Skype or Zoom for those virtual meetings. New clients want to see who they are working with as well as speak to you.

Comfort and Focus

You will need an excellent place to work. Sometimes, sitting on your bed, or the front seat of your van isn’t comfortable for long segments and can cause you to have a negative feeling towards getting to work. Be sure to designate an “office” space that provides quiet and a place to focus on work alone.

Get Your Name out There

Now you are safe, secure, and connected, but how will new clients know how to find you? Be sure to set up your website or social media sites. Get connected in every way possible to get your name circulating! Marketing your new freelance business is going to be the make or break of your journey. If people don’t know you are out there or how to connect to you, you may find yourself back in a dreadful cubicle in less than a year. Motivation enough for you? Now get your name out there!

Let’s Get (Digitally) Organized!

If you are anything like me, you started this whole idea with a doodle or a list jotted down in a notebook. As your business grows, you will run out of journals, wishing you didn’t have to carry the added weight. I had binders, folders, notebooks, and colored pens for different activities rolling all over my office space. It was time I got digital with my organizing like I did my life and my business. I came across this time (and life, really) saving app called Milanote. I can brainstorm, keep my ideas all in one place, and even share my thoughts and work with others!

All the “Un” digital Tools to Consider

We all focus so hard on the virtual part of being a digital nomad that we sometimes forget we are humans who need taking care of too. A few of the best tools a nomad needs on the road are the ones on a personal level.

– Insurance is still crucial out there. Health, medical, dental, life still needs to be covered.

– Banking! If you start working with international businesses, you will also need to consider currency exchange and payment methods.

– A P.O. Box to receive all your mail. The mailman will not track you down in the middle of nowhere, so ask a family member or trusted friend who can check this for you daily and get you the information.

Now you know where to get the tools to be successful. Sit back in your comfy space, know you are
secure and enjoy!

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