Introduction to Node.JS for Beginners


Just like any form of technology, Node.js has its fair of champions and detractors. But the mere fact that it used it by powerhouse websites like LinkedIn, Uber, and Paypal tells volume. No matter which side of the argument you are on, Node.js is a powerful technology. And when you hear big brands using popular technologies, isn’t it but normal to pay close attention to these, especially when you make career moves?

What is Node.js?

This is basically a cross-platform, open-source runtime environment written in JavaScript and built on Chrome’s JavaScript V8 engine that executes and parses the JavaScript code. This platform utilizes a non-blocking, event-driven I/O model, making it very lightweight and fast. Because of its efficiency, Node.Js is one of today’s most popular programming models.

Node is ideal for applications and building software that need synchronous and real-time interactions like websites and chat apps. But, there are also several benefits and uses one can take advantage of from this platform, making it very popular among developers.

The Advantages of Learning Node.Js

If you wish to learn more about front and back-end programming, learning Node.Js is a good move. Here are some of the right reasons why.

Node.Js is very easy to learn: Node uses JavaScript, the most popular programming language almost all developers are familiar with. Meaning, you don’t need a lot of time and effort to learn Node, even if you are still a junior JavaScript programmer.

Node.Js is a full-stack web development application: This is when the same developers work on all the aspects of a program: from the back to front end development, database administration, and a lot. Before Node, full-stack developers need to learn several programming languages. However, developers have to focus on JavaScript to write both back and front end web applications when Node was introduced.  

There is good market demand: There is a considerable demand for full-stack developers these days, and we are looking at more significant job openings that need Node proficient applicants. This means that when your resume has Node.js, you may have a higher chance of expanding your career opportunities as a stack developer. Plus, the paycheck is high. Usually, Node.js developers are paid $100,000 annually, on the average.

Freedom in Building Apps: Unlike other developers that impose rules and guidelines for developing software, Node gives you better leeway when building apps. When node is freshly installed, it gives you more opportunities to build everything from scratch with minimal restrictions.

Node has a very vibrant and active community. This open-source framework is composed of developers who regularly contribute to the improvement. This allows users to learn easier since you have easy access to different solutions at every part of the development.

Where to Learn Node.Js

When you learn Node, you will spend most of your time programming. Meaning, you need a lot of resources and education to accomplish that. Here are some helpful resources you can consider to learn Node.

– Courses: Node courses will typically depend on your level of proficiency. Courses are taught in either one on one mentorship or traditional classroom learning.
– Tutorials: There are different types of free online tutorials to learn Node JS services. The Node Beginner Book is a good start.
– Boot Camps: You can also find several coding boot camps that exclusively teach Node.js programming.

When you are still a beginner in the technology industry, learning Node.js is a perfect way to obtain relevant certifications to help get your career launched with a bang. The advice above can help you get started with your journey, and soon enough, get you on top of this profitable and popular runtime environment.