7 Reasons Why You Should Use an IT Managed Services Provider


Modern businesses, both big and small, need technology to operate efficiently. However, while you think about optimizing your company’s performance, someone has to take care of your IT infrastructure. Here’s where IT managed services step up. They are a perfect solution for dealing with all the aspects of network maintenance. They keep growing in popularity, so if you want to be up to date, keep on reading to learn what makes them so covetable!

1. Constant, proactive support

IT managed services are ready to take the IT burden off your shoulders. Verticomm take care of a wide range of tasks, including cybersecurity, helpdesk, cloud services, network monitoring and management, automated software updates, and many more, 24x7x365. You don’t have to be an IT specialist yourself, and you don’t have to worry if your IT team lacks certain skills. These providers have professional, in-depth knowledge about IT and are able to keep your servers, networks, mobile devices, and cloud services, up to date in security patches, maintenance, and many more. If you want to receive such help, try to search locally. For example, if you live in the Chicago area, look for reliable providers based in Chicago.

2. Cost-effective alternative

IT managed services are the next step in IT maintenance and functioning. First, you won’t have to expand your own IT team, which can be more expensive than fees charged by managed services providers. Second, you won’t have to delegate more tasks to your employees, adding to the responsibilities they have already. Finally, you won’t have to rely on break-fix services. Such services fix problems as they appear, which can sometimes lead to prolonged downtime, and ultimately to financial loss. IT managed services aim to assist you during and before issues arise. Frequently, their help and knowledge can prove to be genuinely invaluable, saving you time and money.

3. Deliver optimal security

Data is the most sensitive resource in any business. Nowadays, data storage devices are abundant, from laptops, smartphones, and tablets, to servers, operating systems, and many more. Nobody wants to fall victim to a security breach because the leakage of confidential information can sometimes result in legal problems. However, IT managed services monitor your network 24x7x365, giving you peace of mind.

4. Supplement your IT department limits

Your employees in the IT department already have some tasks to do. Whenever there’s an additional issue that impairs the functionality of your IT network and systems, it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. As a result, your employees get sidetracked, losing time, and probably even more if they lack a specific skill necessary to solve a particular problem. IT managed services are here to support you and your team as soon as you need them, so you won’t have to overwhelm your employees with additional responsibilities. What’s more, many companies report that the assistance of these services improves workplace productivity. Your staff can do more with their time at work, knowing that their network is stable and secure.

5. Improve relationships with your clients

Statistically speaking, internet issues, as well as electronic equipment malfunctions, happen quite frequently. These technology-related mishaps can impact your business partnerships and relations with your clients. Thanks to an IT managed service provider, you’ll be able to solve your issues faster, and their expertise will improve your business image when it comes to comfort and authority. With the downtime significantly minimized, your clients will know that you value their time and work incessantly to provide the best service. Customer satisfaction can lead to more sales, which translates to long-term profit. That’s what every business should aim for!

6. Routine maintenance

Speaking of malfunctions, any hardware and software require regular maintenance to function properly. Don’t forget about your computers, networks, and servers – without proper care, their overall functionality and performance will steadily decrease. Your IT managed service provider is going to make sure your systems are up and running. What’s more, they can keep you up to date with the latest technology, prompting you to upgrade or make some changes in your IT systems. This way, you’ll be sure your competitors don’t leave you behind, and you won’t have to worry about regular check-ups. As a result, you’ll be able to focus more on your business.

7. Give predictable costs

At the flat, monthly rate, you’ll get high-quality IT support provided by IT managed services. Providers can tell you the monthly cost, which is extremely useful for developing businesses that need to keep track of their expenses. Not only you’ll be able to monitor the financial situation of your business, but also you’ll receive professional assistance whenever you need it, including preventive maintenance. Having clearly defined terms and a transparent financial situation will help you plan long-term and subtract from your monthly list of worries.

It looks like IT managed services are the need of the hour for modern companies, both big and small. These services fill the gaps according to your business needs, allowing you to focus on expanding your brand and helping you provide better customer service. Opting for the assistance of such providers is a smart choice for you and the future of your business.