5 Tips You Need to Know Before You Start Selling Your Art Online


Are you planning to sell your art online?

With more people reaching online to buy art, it is possible to sell canvas prints, wall arts, and paintings online.

However, you need to focus on a few things before you start selling art online. Here are the five tips for you that will help you with selling your art online and making money. Have a look!

1. First Set Your Goal

To achieve anything in life, you need to set a goal and should have a vision of success. The growth of your business as an artist depends entirely on your intentions. So, first, think about where you want to take your business and how much profit you want to earn every year or month.

If you want to turn your passion into a money-making business, then you’ll need to create a website for your brand. On the other hand, if you want to sell your art as a side-hustle, then posting arts on social media is also a great idea.

2. Join Online Art Galleries

An online art gallery is a virtual platform that displays the art of artists and conduct exhibition of different forms of arts. Be it famous canvas paintings or renowned historical pieces, and there is an option for each genre in online art galleries.

Further, it helps you to put your work in front of art lovers, which will be visible to them 24*7. Therefore, joining online art galleries give you immense exposure and helps in gaining new clients as well.

3. Promote Art Through Social Media

Social media is also a great way of promoting your art. You can use hashtags to describe your art piece. Some trending and popular social media platforms are Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook. So, make your account on these platforms and start promoting your art on them.

Also, you need to update your account regularly to engage potential customers or clients. Initially, it is better to stick to one account; however, by time, you can create accounts on all platforms to post adds regularly.

4. Work on Art Descriptions and Blogs

For selling your art online, you need to describe your art with SEO optimized art description. The art websites encourage you to write attractive descriptions for each of your artwork you upload to sell. Not only the description should be easy to read, but it also should be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.

In addition to art descriptions, you also need to focus on blogging. Blogging is a must to gain more customers while selling art online. Through blogs, you can share new ideas, get feedback, and communicate with readers.

5. Build an E-mail List

Make a list of e-mails of your followers, customers, and people who like your art. It is because people who receive an e-mail from you are more likely to become fans of your art and eventual buyers.
With e-mail marketing, you can directly communicate with your ideal buyers in a personal way. Also, you can send them your latest blog posts or can show them your current art piece.

Final Words

Selling art pieces online is an art and need of time too. So, keep in mind the above tips before you start selling your art online.