What to Do With the Site in Crisis?


Not as terrible a crisis as they write about it. On a wave of simmering general hysteria (“No customers! Sales are falling!”) it is especially interesting to go to the nearest sports equipment store for rollers, walk 15 minutes between the stands and go to another store without waiting for a consultant. No sales? There is such a problem. Crisis? I don’t think so.

That’s true for online sales, too. It’s time to squeeze the maximum out of all channels or close.

It’s the AIDA concept that comes in handy.
Important: we will talk only about Internet tools. At least, because online most often comes out cheaper and, more importantly, much better measured.


No one knows anything about your company or product. You just started or are entering a new market – it doesn’t matter. Your brand is just one of the faces in the crowd. It’s time to look at yourself!

Use what?

SEO. Search engine optimization of your site always makes sense. If you have a standardized product/service – you will have to elbow in the queue for high positions on the requests of interest. The higher you push – the more often you are noticed – the more willingly you are clicked. If we are talking about something unique, not yet having demand – it is necessary, at least, to settle in the TOP-1 by brand requests. Yes, SEO will bring results only from the Interest stage, but to invest in it will be necessary already at the start of promotion: optimization – the process is quite inert.

Advertising on social networks. Targeting is suitable for unique products (insurance for the phone), and for standard (“such a phone is everywhere, but we have it 1.5 thousand cheaper”).


Work with a reputation. The conclusion is simple: you want more return from advertising – work with feedback.

Content marketing. The user is interested in you – time to satisfy his interest! Feel free to talk about yourself and communicate with users.


Development and technical support. Do not make a “hot” client to wait – he may wonder if he wants to spend money and whether it is worth looking for something cheaper. To have on the site a form of online payment, which is used to suddenly ” freeze” – a bad omen that guarantees a drop in the number of orders. Finally, a good hosting is the core and engine of your website. Feel free to choose it with the help of HostingRanker.com

Usability. Do not prevent the user to buy from you, do not hide the “add to cart” button from him, do not force him to fill in the data you are not going to use. Do not scare with the appearance of the site, do not confuse the illogical structure of the menu.


External analyst. You will need his experience: if a full-time analyst can spend a lot of resources trying to understand why, the external analyst on the implicit, at first glance, triggers will be able to classify the problem and already work on this classification.

Researches. At the start, you had an excellent representation of your target audience and knew how to reach it. What’s more, you did it! The longer a miner works in one place, the less gold there is left. In addition, we do not forget that the crisis is thickening in the yard – there are many other miners. What should we do? Sociology will come to the rescue.

What is all this material about?

As you know, in the crisis the most popular tools are those that allow you to measure their effectiveness without much difficulty. Promo codes? You bet! Contextual advertising? Give me two!

Actually, it’s not so clear. Promo codes can work better. Contextual advertising is overheated. After all, trite may run out of demand.