4 Steps to Write an Effective Direct Mail Letter for Your Business


Are you exploring all your options when it comes to getting the word out about your business? While the internet has drastically shifted marketing strategies, you could be missing out on alternative methods to reach customers in ways others have forgotten entirely.

Direct mail marketing is still an effective strategy to generate new business and keep existing customers happy, especially if you follow these steps to do it the right way.

Begin With the Right Supplies

If you have thought at all about direct mail marketing, you might have considered whether you should send a flyer, a postcard, or something larger like a pamphlet or magazine through the mail, but nothing will make you stand apart from your competition like a handwritten letter.

You’ll want to start on the right track by ordering professional stationery, a high-quality pen, stamps, and envelopes so you will always be ready when it is time to send out a message to a customer. Sending a timely note to a new, old, or prospective customer will show them that you care about their needs and will set your business apart from the spam they receive in their inbox on a daily basis.

Personalize Your Message

As important as it is for your direct mail letter to be sent from your own hand, rather than a printed form that customers will know has been sent to thousands of others, you will want to show your customer that you were thinking of them specifically when you were writing to them.
Add authenticity to your direct mail letter by addressing them by name, recounting something specific about your relationship to them, and make yourself memorable by showing them that their business is individually important to you.

Address Your Customer’s Needs

People don’t have a lot of time on their hands these days, and even though writing a personal note is in itself interesting to those who are no longer used to receiving letters in the mail, they will still want you to get to the point and meet their needs.

With the limited space you have in your letter, you will want to make certain you are directly dealing with the needs you know your customer has, whether it be a new service you provide or a special deal for a product you know they appreciate.

Be Mindful of Your Style

There is a fine balance you will need to keep that reminds your customer that you are not only a professional business that can be counted on when needed, but that you aren’t so formal that you forget to realize you are working with real people who have honest problems.

Keep your writing copy simple and easy to read, make it interesting with a relatable story they’ll understand, and remember to motivate them with a call-to-action based on what your business has to offer them.

Every business needs to reach out to as many customers in ways that get them noticed in today’s competitive marketplace, so take the necessary steps to present yourself in a refreshing light with a direct mail letter.