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4 Reasons to Use A Content Management System

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A content management system (or CMS) is a set of software programs that are linked together to help you design, create, and ultimately manage the content on your website. Using a CMS means that you can edit content, upload new content, or even remove old content without needing to know any specialist programming languages such as CSS or HTML. There are many more reasons besides this to use a CMS; read on to find out what they are.


If you have what is known as a static site (i.e., one that isn’t built using a CMS), then it can become costly to have it maintained and updated, especially if you need to change small items once in a while, or you want to upload a blog regularly. Not only that, but you’ll probably have to wait at least a few hours if not days to see the updates come to life.

When you use a CMS as your digital experience platform, you can make the changes yourself without having to pay a fee, and it will be done immediately. Your website will look good and adapt to necessary changes as and when it needs to.

Built for Beginners

As time goes on, you may well choose to learn coding and programming languages; these are useful skills, and if you want to design and create websites as a career, it is certainly something to have an understanding of. However, a CMS is ideal for beginners who have yet to master these languages, or who don’t want to learn them at all.

Once a specialist creates the website, there is no need for you to have any coding knowledge at all since the CMS itself is user-friendly and allows you to make the changes you need to without inputting strings of complicated data. You can effectively take control of your website and make it your own even if you have no prior experience of doing so.

Easy Collaboration

A CMS allows anyone with a password and login name to have access to the ‘inner workings’ of your website. You can control who has access and what access they have, of course, but giving people the ability to make changes as they need to means that you can easily collaborate with others to make your website exactly as it needs to be.

This might mean giving access to a manager within your business, a business partner, or even a third party web content designer or blog writer. They will be able to update your website, and you won’t have to spend time doing it yourself.

SEO Tools

SEO (search engine optimization) is something that all business owners need to understand at least a little. It is the practice of ensuring everything you put online is found to be of use by the search engines and, therefore, is ranked highly. Ideally, you want to use keywords and phrases, links, images, even videos to be placed on the first page of search results, and better yet at the top of the first page.

A CMS such as WordPress, for example, will lead you through the basic SEO requirements, prompting you to add headings, links, images, and much more to rank more highly. This won’t replace an SEO expert’s help, but it will enhance your search results over time.

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