6 Tips for Creating More Persuasive Sales Videos


If you’re pursuing online sales, few tools are as effective as video. But if you’re going to invest in video marketing, make sure you’re prepared to give it your best shot.

In order to be effective, your videos must be both engaging and persuasive. Here are a few essential pointers.

Select the Right Thumbnail

Although some video-sharing platforms now have auto-play features that enable videos to roll as soon as they move into a user’s screen, many still use clickable thumbnail previews.

Thumbnail previews might seem like a small detail, but they can be incredibly important. Much of the time, people decide whether to click on a video based solely on the thumbnail.

“Impress your audience at first sight. Use the right color palette, but also make sure it doesn’t end up too gaudy and bright,” marketer Pulkit Jain writes.

“You can use some image editing tools like Pixlr to enhance the colors by editing the image’s saturation and by using hue filters.” If the platform lets you use text on your thumbnail, take advantage of the opportunity.

The secret is to keep it simple, yet persuasive (without being too click-baity).

Nail the Intro

A lame introduction will render the rest of your video useless. If yours is weak, most visitors are likely to abandon the video before it even gets going.

“I’ve built a substantial business on video sales letters, and my data shows that more than half of viewers drop off in the first 30 seconds of the video,” entrepreneur Jason Capital explains. “The solution? You must grab and keep attention in the first 10 to 30 seconds of your video.”

A successful video intro gets straight to the point, with no distractions or delays. It also fosters some kind of intrigue or curiosity that it promises to deal with later in the video.
These tactics encourage people to watch the video through from start to finish, rather than skipping around.

Develop a Loose Script

A good sales video is structured well enough to keep the viewer on topic, but not so scripted that it makes the presentation come across as rigid and impersonal. Try creating a loose script with bullet points and headings for each idea you want to hit.

Practice the script at least half a dozen times before you record. This should enable you to master your wording and inflection, while still looking natural in front of the camera.

Be Mindful of the Details

Success is landed in the details. Granted, a sales call is all about what you say and how you say it, but a sales video has another focal point: How you look.

What you wear can make or break your that impression on video. In addition to selecting a sleek and professional outfit, a classy accessory or two can make you look successful and credible.

For a man, a luxury watch is a worthwhile investment. For a woman, statement jewelry goes a long way.

Use Engaging Visuals

Though there’s something to be said for standing in front of a video lens and delivering a persuasive monologue without any distractions, you can only get away with this approach for so long. At some point, you need to pull people in with powerful visuals.

If you lack the proper video editing skills, think about hiring a freelancer on a marketplace like Fiverr or Upwork. It may not cost you all that much, and it’ll likely increase your engagement dramatically.

Invest in Proper Promotion

You can create the most persuasive video in the history of sales and marketing, but if nobody sees it, all that effort won’t count for anything. Promotion is paramount.

You should invest just as much time—if not more—into the promotion of your video as you did in its production. Here are some suggestions and strategies, courtesy of HubSpot.

Let Video Work for You

Online video consumption is rising faster than ever. The global forecast estimates that the average Internet user viewed roughly 84 minutes of online video each day in 2019. That’s up from 67 minutes per day in 2018.

By 2021, it’s anticipated that daily viewing will exceed 100 minutes per day, which will make online video more popular than cable or network television.

Now’s the time you should get involved. By learning how to develop and disseminate powerful and persuasive video, you can help your brand gain an upper hand by reaching, engaging, and converting more people. Good luck!