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Choosing a Domain Name – Everything That You Need to Know

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Choosing the right domain name is crucial if you want your business to be recognized and unique on the internet. So if you think it’s easy to establish the name that will be your website trademark and something people will connect to your work, you are wrong. It can take days, maybe months to think of the proper name to represent everything you do. Why? With billions and billions of websites nowadays, the competition for the perfect domain name is fiercer than ever. Ever. So, at this point, you’re probably asking how to choose a domain name for your business, and how to register it. First of all, we’ll give you a definition of a domain name, so you could easily understand why is so important for it to be unique.

All computers worldwide are connected, and each computer is assigned as a combination of numbers so it can be separated and identified. Combination of numbers that we’re talking about is IP address. But, the problem is that remembering that series of numbers may be easy for computer intelligence, but for people, it’s a bit harder. It’s easier for us to remember words. So, instead of hard numeric combinations, domain names were invented, not to replace IP addresses, but to make it easier for people to remember it.

We got some tips to help you in this hard competition, and make you sure that your new domain name will be perfect for the business it represents.

Domain name must be unique

The greatest mistake you can make, as you are thinking about domain name, is to invent a name that resembles another existing domain. Your domain name should be different than any other, so nobody could mix it with another similar website. Why? When the user is confused, Google can accidentally lead them to another website with a similar domain name. And nobody wants that – it’s bad for ranking on the search engines, also bad for business, especially if you are running an online shop.

Keywords are everything

To secure as best as possible Google search rank, you should find attractive keywords for your domain name and combine them. So, if you’re establishing a website for your bakery named “Croissant” you should combine it with “bakery”. The following result, “croissantbakery” is a way better than just a “croissant”, and it will stand out in a better way. You should also avoid numbers and hyphens in your domain name because it can confuse users.

Domain name should be short and recognizable

So, a short domain name is an ideal concept which depends on the name of your business, but if you are one of the luckiest, great! Also, the less is more. Domain name should be catchy, as short as possible (but not the abbreviation which can’t be related to the business) and the most important – it should be memorable. That’s the main reason why you shouldn’t be in a rush while brainstorming – ask your friends and colleagues for opinions and find the best option.

Domain name should be an ideal representation of your brand, so try to avoid invented names: instead of that, try to use some familiar words strongly related to your business.

Simplicity is always a good idea

Domain name should be easy to remember, easy to write and easy to read. You don’t want to repeat the name of your website multiple times before someone understands you, so keep it simple.

Are you going local or global?

When you want to be globally recognized, choosing .com domain is the best option. If you look for international companies and corporations you’ll see that every one of them uses .com domain because clients will first look for it. But, if you’re targeting more specific regional market, local domain is the better option.

How to register a domain name

The moment has come – you’ve chosen the domain name, so it’s time to register it. First of all, make sure you’re buying it from an authorized and reliable domain registry. The company should be reliable and affordable, also it should be able to meet all your requirements, so be careful, and inform yourself before taking action. Usually, you can in one place register both hosting service for your website and domain name, and it could be a perfect choice, especially if you are new in online business. Hostinger is the perfect choice to have everything in one place, with the best 24/7 support team and maximum security for your website.

Woohoo! Well, that was a lot of advice, but don’t let them discourage you. Once you find a perfect domain name and register it, you’ll have one task less. Also, you’ll have more time for creating interesting content for your website. Good luck!

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