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5 Top Tools for Copywriters in 2019

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Copywriting is a form of writing that drives readers in a certain direction, often enticing them to make a purchase. It requires careful planning, research, editing and more before reaching the point where it can be published.

This can be a lengthy and fairly arduous process but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re a copywriter, there are many tools for writing available to make the job easier and more enjoyable. They can even help to sharpen your copywriting skills. Here are five of the top tools that you will benefit from using.

Enago Plagiarism and AI Grammar Checker

Enago Plagiarism and AI Grammar Checker provides plagiarism checks as well as AI based grammar checks in one go. Enago’s Plagiarism Checker uses the most sophisticated algorithms to detect plagiarism against 91+ billion current and archived web pages. Inclusion of Scholarly Articles check allows easy comparison against additional 82+ million published scholarly articles from 1,700+ publishers. It also includes an AI Grammar Checker that checks your writing for complex grammar errors, scientific spellings, and formal tone. It suggests language enhancements that improve your writing quality. Additionally, with Power Editing, you can get up to 40% more suggestions with a 92% accuracy for better structure, clarity, readability, and impact.

Headline Analyzer

Today readers will not read an article unless they are drawn by a headline that’s intriguing and relevant. The headline is a vital component to drive traffic, shares and conversions. Co-Schedule has a free headline analyzer that allows you to capitalize on the type of headlines that convert, such as how-to’s, questions and lists.

The headline analyzer shows you how to use the right word balance – using common, uncommon and emotional words as well as at least one power word. Learn how to optimize character length to increase engagement and make headlines easy to scan and digest.


Grammarly is an app or extension for your browser and one of those tools for copywriters that can make a significant difference. It checks your writing for various types of errors such as:

– Spelling
– Punctuation
– Writing style
– Sentence structure
– Misused words
– Plagiarism

All you do is enter your text, click on a button and then click on underlined words to get a list of explanations, proper wording alternatives and suggestions.

Occasionally this software can put a comma where you don’t want one or misunderstand what you’re trying to say but it has a high accuracy rate overall. The explanations it gives for your errors help you to improve as a writer. For instance, the more you use it, the better you understand the use of commas, tenses, and how to properly construct sentences.

You can use a free version of Grammarly with limited features but all the features, such as the plagiarism feature, genre-specific writing style checks and vocabulary enhancement, are only available if you upgrade to the premium version.


At Thesaurus.com you will find a large and trusted free online thesaurus. As a copywriter, using the right word can transform your content. Most writers overuse certain words and terms. Improve your mastery of English and find the precise word with more than three million synonyms antonyms and to choose from. The length, complexity and relevance filters allow you to quickly find the perfect word.

When learning how to write an assignment, you need to avoid repeating words and overusing certain terms and phrases. Using a thesaurus can help your writing to become more precise and descriptive as it suggests replacement words to use instead of the ones you commonly choose. You will find that your overall grasp of the language and vocabulary expands as a result.

Hemingway App

The Hemingway app is one of the tools for writing that helps make it easier to read. It identifies complex sentences with yellow highlights so you can shorten them. Red highlights show sentences that are hard to read and need restructuring. Use shorter words to replace longer ones highlighted in purple.

Weak phrases and adverbs appear in blue and you can replace weak phrases with more forceful ones and get rid of some adverbs. Green highlights show the use of passive voice that you should change to active voice.

The app also gives metrics about reading time for a piece and this is helpful for copywriters who want to convey a message before the reader loses focus. This feature and the letter and word count help you to write more succinctly.

The standalone program is accessible online. You can download a desktop version of the app so you can format the text and check for errors as you write.

Dupli Checker

As a copywriter, you need to produce original content on a daily basis. This is where Dupli Checker, a free online toolkit, is one of those tools for a copywriter that can help you in various ways. It includes a:

– Plagiarism checker
– Paraphrasing tool (article rewriter)
– Grammar checker
– Domain authority checker
– Backlink checker

The plagiarism checker has a maximum 1000-word limit per search, useful for searching long copy.
Instead of a reverse chronological listing of the latest blog posts on a home page, your content has more of a fighting chance on a dedicated landing page. It is easy to find out how to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.


These top five copywriters tools will help to make sure that you keep producing original text, free of spelling and grammatical errors. They will help to make your writing more succinct, forceful and memorable. By using them on a consistent basis, your writing will not only become more readable but your vocabulary will improve. Enhance your copywriting skills by selecting words that make your content hard to resist.

Author Bio:
Bobbi Sanchez is a highly-skilled writing expert who’s into academic and blogging field. His copywriting, research writing and academic papers writing has made him one of the go-to men for the students at college and university level. In his free time, he learns drone photography, plays golf and cooks Thai food for his family.

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