Use NetBase Social Media Analytics to Craft Effective Marketing Strategies


Social media analytics is critical for businesses because the data can help establish their brand identity, promote their goods and services, aid in the crafting of their marketing strategies, and guide their decisions. Nowadays, majority of the citizens in this modern world own a mobile device, where they access various social media apps on a daily basis.

Hiring a company like NetBase is a smart choice because they can do social media analytics on your behalf and provide you with the information you need to create the best content for your marketing campaigns. Here’s how you can use social media analytics to make remarkable strategies that reach your audience and lead to conversions:

Track Your Followers to Create the Best Content

By accessing the social media analytics platform of Twitter, FB, or Instagram, you will have an idea what are the posts that work. You will see which content has had the most shares, likes, re-tweets, comments, and the like. The higher the figures, the more engagement you have with your audience.

NetBase says analytics allow you to see the number of impressions and engagement for each post, which will tell you and show you what works and what doesn’t. Therefore, you can let go of those that don’t work, so you can save time, money, and effort. In the same token, you can continue crafting new campaign messages with content that works.

Get to Know Your Competitors

The beauty of social media analytics is that it tells you exactly what your competitors are up to. This doesn’t mean copying the items that they have released or emulating their advertisements. However, since you are fighting for the same audience share, it pays to know what type of content they consume from your competitors and what topics they respond to. You can factor the same popular topics and content formats into your own social media marketing plan. It is smart to leverage on this data because it makes you more efficient and effective.

Make You More Familiar with Your Target Audience

One of the best gifts of analyzing social media data is that you become more familiar with the target audience of your company. They tell you where your potential clients hangout, what theme of messages they like, which posts bring the most engagement, and the like.

Remember: the customer is really the king and your relationship with them is the deciding factor whether your business will merely survive or thrive. If you truly know your audience, you will be able to craft better marketing campaigns that attract their attention. You increase traffic to your site and you generate a lot of leads, which often lead to conversion.

Create Regular Hooks That Create Social Conversions

Because analytics provide you with the vital information that points to what plans are effective, you can pinpoint the content format that you can use to create regular posts that encourage your clients and visitors to keep on coming back to your site. For instance, hashtags are the best example that keep people engaged and informed about the trends in your business.

When you make a special catchy hashtag, you increase your chances of getting noticed, which is the primary goal because the market is already saturated with many businesses like yours. It is critical to set yourself apart and to create recall. In addition, other using will include this hashtag into their own original posts, which can expand your brand’s reach and build conversion. The best part about these hashtags, they make monitoring a lot easier.

Bottom Line

The advent of social media has changed the way people communicate and share information. Thus, it is crucial for businesses to be able to have access to social media analytics, so they can perform better. Hiring a company like NetBase to help monitor website traffic and engagement for your business is a significant component for your company’s success.