Distribution of your Products: How to Create a Distribution Structure for your Business?


A distribution structure depends on the customer of the product. Firstly, we have to think about the people who need our product, and ask ourselves the most important question:

– 1. “Who are they?
– 2. What age group?
– 3. What preferable gender?
– 4. Where do they live and go?
– 5. How can we reach them?”

For instance, if our company produces fresh juice, the distribution structure will be built in the following way:

– A potential customer is needed to be described, as far as our product would be a variety of natural juice drinks, under the following category are people of all ages and genders, of different professions and income. The people having a better chance to become viable customers are the ones with weight and health problems, also parents could be included in the following group, because people tend to care about their children wellness more than about themselves, and children hardly could be good customers, because they cannot make decisions basing on the health factor.

– Basing on our ideal customers and all potential clients, the product definitely should present in the places people treating their health, as a basic health product, it can be placed near centers people train to get the customers, who want to get some energy after a hard workout, it may be placed near children playground facilities as a healthy replacement of pernicious sugar drinks. We need to think about all the places that people are visiting to get a drink and willing to quench their thrust quickly; the “Healthy Mix” can be included in the menus of coffee to go shops because it can be a good alternative to coffee making people more vigorous and energetic.

– Wholesales can hardly be named a profitable way of distribution because of natural fresh juices expiration date, as far as the drink should not contain any preservatives, it is very perishable products. There exist a great chance of material loses the product will be placed in the shops for a long time.

Integrated Marketing Communications for your Business in Use

Today a customer can contact an organization in a range of ways, from a simple telephone call to a message sent through the brand`s social media pages. So, as communication technologies explode, more coordination of activities will be needed. A key impetus of the rise of IMC as a concept is the growing complexity of the marketing environment. Customers have all social media platforms literally on their fingertips, so an efficient IMC strategy is critically needed for a business.

In your IMC you can include:

– 1. social networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram);
– 2. news aggregator websites (local newspapers` websites, communities groups in social media);
– 3. passion connection websites (Pinterest, Reddit);
– 4. video content websites (Youtube and etc.);
– 5. leader websites (blogs).

You will need the right media to reach your clients. It is equally important to understand both the characteristics of different media and media usage habits of the target audience so that the campaign may be well scheduled, with appropriate reach and frequency.

– Firstly, you need to analyze your target audience.

– When the target audience is known, the next stage to figure out how large is it. For example, your target auditory is essay writers living in the target location. Try to find out, for instance, how many academic writers live in the U.S. It will help you to understand how large your potential auditory is.

– It is possible to reach most of the target audience, but it pays to understand their media usage habits.

You need to generate news about the brand daily based on the well-analyzed habits of people. For example, in different countries, people are active in social media at different times; people of different ages prefer various social media platforms to rely on. The news about the brand should be shown at the peak of users` activity on such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram. The aim of general advertising in social media is, therefore, to build brand preference so that brand equity that will develop over time. This involves building brand strength, such as knowledge and esteem, and brand statures, such as differentiation and relevance. Additionally, you need to point out the goals of the customers to concentrate on the activities that are more closely aligned with their goals. In short, the wrong media strategy will fail to reach a large number of clients, while the right one will help you reach most of your consumers.