UI/UX Evolution and Product-Designers


What is a product? Until recently, the term was used to refer to something material, which can often be bought in a store, but now it also refers to digital products. Applications are modern products

When it comes to designing and building great products, the design comes to the fore. This is what any company can use to highlight its products and make them exceptional.

The design has developed at an industrial pace in recent years. And now there are a number of different specializations in this field:

– UX-designer;
– UI-designer;
– Product-Designer.

What is the difference between them? Let’s see, what is their difference and why the evolution of design will lead them to one specialization?

UI, UX, Product: What is it all about?

All these terms have one thing in common – they are all responsible for how the user will “communicate” with the product. But the specialists in these fields still have their own specific goals and objectives.

– UX-designer
The main concern of such a designer is how his product will be “felt” by the user. The main goal is to make the interaction between the user and the product as efficient and simple as possible. UX-designers see the design from the user’s point of view and solve the design problems in the following ways:

Develop different scenarios of user behavior and design interaction templates for them;
Conduct various studies: A/B testing, usability studies, etc;
Create prototypes of interfaces and product logic.

– UI-designer
These designers, in turn, take care of how the product looks. They are responsible for how we see the product in its final version. UI designers are responsible for designing each individual screen of the page with which the user will interact, taking into account the logic offered by UX designers.

– Product-Designer
This is a type of designer who deals with both the view and logic of the application. Many Product-Designers call themselves designers of design experience. It tells UX and UI designers how each individual element should work and look like.

Design as an occupation

The UX design includes a lot of things. It belongs to the field of service design and is used in a variety of industries. As a result, designers and design agencies are building a huge portfolio, where is space for both simple applications and complex financial platforms.

The field of service design covers all industries and offers them universal solutions.
Service designers can have their own unique style, which they bring to the new product. That’s what makes them famous and companies ready to pay them. It’s like buying parts from a trusted supplier.

However, manufacturing companies may need a deeper level of designer involvement. These companies need a designer who is fully integrated into the team and has the data and tools to influence the entire production system.

Product development has a significant advantage over service development – access to analytics and the ability to test design solutions in real-time.

Designers in such projects can focus on a specific product without being distracted by anything else. They possess detailed information about the target audience of the product and proceed from real data, unlike service designers whose work is based on assumptions.


Product design is the next step in the development of the design. The best products are created by people who see and understand the entire product from all sides, not in parts.